Chapter 2 : The Crystal

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[On Mount Berry]
[Williams Household]

"Hey Dad! I finally got my magic license!" I yelled as I slam the front door closed.

"It's about damn time! Now we find out what type of magic you use!" My dad exclaimed before throwing his empty beer bottle against the wall, shattering the glass all over the place. Today's the day that I find out what magic I can use so I'll worry about cleaning the glass later.

Maybe I can use both dark and light magic like mom, then I'll be one step closer learnimg the spell she used which will make it easier to finding her.... If there's even a chance to find her.

But I guess I can't start off with that, it looked like a complex spell, I'll have to learn the basics first. After Dad put his coat on and we bolted outside and down the mountain straight to the dam where a huge crystal was situated.

As we arrived at the gate, we fixed our clothes because it was ruffled up by the bushes we just dashed through.

A kind woman put her hand out before asking "Can I have your license please". She was the crystal guardian, a fairy who watches over this crystal. She had long perky transparent wings that glowed as they waved up and down. Her little elf ears were punched in with three earings on the one side and none on the other. Her eyes were two different colors one was pink and the other purple, she had on this beautiful white dress that covered her feet.

"Here you go", I give her the license and she looks at it and then back at me. "You may proceed", she smiles and opens the gate. "Wow she's so much nicer then the people at the registration hall." I muttered to myself as the gate opened. I stared at the beautiful crystal shining as its light shone upon me, it left me with a warm feeling... I just wish that Mom was here to witness this moment. We walked up the walkway and I saw the water dripping down from the a small cliff. The dripping water made a waterfall that covered the crystal.

There was a small line that we had to wait in but it was moving faster than the one at the registration hall. As we arrived in front, I notice my best friend Rodbak touching the crystal and suddenly it glowed red. Then a flame surrounded his right arm and imprinted itself on his skin as a tatoo, it looked amazing. After that he left with his mother and father, probably to study how to use his new found magical abilities.

"Hey Roddy!" I shouted out as I waved at him.

He stopped and said "This Saturday let's test out our magic okay?!" 

After this quick reunion he went home with his parents.

It's finally my turn to touch the crystal and Dad stood by my side holding my shoulder, it helped calming me down.

My hand slowly made its way to the crystal, until I finally touched it. A white ray than shot out of the crystal and straight into the sky. Everyone was in awe as they stared at the crystal, while this happened I felt a tingle on my right wrist. The light then came back down into the crystal and as soon as I removed my hand from the crystal, a small round white dot appeared on my wrist.

I can't remember all the details of what happened after that because I was just staring at the mark embedded on my skin, but when I looked up we were already half way home.

"Hey dad what type magic am I able to use?" I ask my father as we make our way back home.

"I don't know son. I've never seen this tattoo before", he says while scratching the back of his head. Maybe it's a new type of magic not discovered yet. If it is, than I'll be the first one to try it out. Isn't that awesome!

"Can I have a look at your tattoo dad?", I ask and he removes his blue checkered t-shirt.

It looks like some kind of giant gear on his chest. "Its awesome isn't it", he smiles as he puts his shirt back on. "Yeah it is", I respond.

"I got it!" he shouts out as he raises his hand. "Why didn't I realize it sooner?" he muttered while face palming.

"You got what dad?" I curiously ask.

"You could go to the library and find out what type of magic that dot allows you to use" he says as he shakes me around.

"Great idea! I'll go right now!" I get loose and start running towards the towns only library.

"See you later Nate!", he shouts from behind and I just wave back.  Onwards! To the library!

To Be Continued...

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