chapter 3 (trigger warning ⚠️)

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After they arrived home at the Son Villa , hyunwoo just went straight to his bedroom , thinking about ways to get rid of that goddamn butler . He fell asleep after he was done doing some revisions for his exams , this boy is a scholar even though his looks and personality doesnt seem like so . He texted Kihyun before going to bed .
Shit . Yes you does .
[seen ✔️18:34]

Hey , today was great , goodluck for
your exams tomorrow , dont forget
I'll pick u up tomorrow morning .
[Sent ✔️ 22:30]

"He must be sleeping.. hahaha poor cutie " he muttered to himself , turning his phone off , smiling widely while closing his eyes . But little did he know , kihyun was awake and is studying , he woke up 10 minutes after hoseok bring him to his room . He even slept at his desk the whole night , studying like a mad person .

Kihyun's alarm went off at 4:50 in the morning when he woke up to study some more if he's going to school . He woke up and stretched like a golden retriever who had been napping . He checked his phone to see a notification from hyunwoo .
Shit . Yes you does .
[seen ✔️18:34]

Hey , today was great , goodluck for
your exams tomorrow , dont forget
I'll pick u up tomorrow morning .
[Sent ✔️ 22:30]

Hey hyung , yea i feel the same way
too ! Goodluck for your exams too
hyung , and good morning btw dont
forget to eat breakfast , I'll wait for
you later hyung !

Kikishark 🐹
Dont be late or I'm not waiting for
you ! Hehe
[Sent ✔️ 5:05 a.m]

Kihyun smiled to himself while replying the text , he opened his book to start studying again but then he saw a few droplets of blood on the pages , he frowned and touched his nose , he is nosebleeding quite heavily .

He called for hoseok desperately while wiping his nose , he sighed loudly but still continue to study . Hoseok on the other hand went up to Kihyun's room , he was shocked upon seeing Kihyun's shirt almost covered in blood because he cant find his tissue box .

Hoseok sighed and shook his head , "take your shirt off prince" hoseok said , standing by the said boy , Kihyun just look at him and smiled innocently , he took his shirt off and let hoseok take it to be cleaned . "Young master , you probably should stop studying for now , those blood flowing out won't stop if you don't relax ." Hoseok said kinda sternly . "No , its fine , don't worry , we got exams today .." kihyun get up to take his binder but his legs got weak , he was about to fall to the floor harshly but hoseok managed to catch him before it happen .

"Kihyun ah ... Please ? From a big brother to his baby brother , listen to me.. can you ??? Now go and get ready for school " hoseok whispered softly but clearly enough for kihyun to hear . Kihyun just nodded and sighed exasperatedly , not gonna lie , he look cute doing so. Hoseok just shook his head , he packed Kihyun's school stuff and proceed to leave Kihyun's room after doing so .

"Hoseokkie hyung wheres my socks???????" High-pitched voice ringed inside everyone's ear . They just giggled because they love kihyun so much and he had been locking himself for awhile so seeing him happy and playful make them wanna dance in joy .

"You little baby it's in your shoe " another voice joined in , its mr yoo , Kihyun's father who is a nobleman and a writer . The said man sat down at the table to eat his breakfast , "kihyun ah , come eat when you're done wearing your socks !" Mr yoo shouted , as if his son is still a little baby . "Yes dad , I'm coming !! Oh did i tell you that hyunwoo gonna pick me up today ? We're going to school together !" Kihyun said while sitting down at the table , picking up his spoon and play with it like a child.

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