Just talk

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Hello!!! Enjoy

Millie's POV

I woke up to everyone talking around me. I was more in the corner, so I moved out of it and went into the big area where everyone was talking.

"Mills it's 12:00, why'd you sleep so late?" Noah asked, and I shrugged. I looked around and met eyes with finn. He was awake before me?

Did he even sleep?

"It's kind of hard to sleep on the floor I guess." I stated, and Gaten groaned.

"Can we please go eat? I'm starving." He complained, and everyone got up to get food. I'm not hungry though. Do I need to eat?

I zoned out for a minute or two and forgot to get up. I shook my head to get out of the zone I was in, and saw Finn looking at me.

"Are you going to eat?" He asked. He looks kind of creepy. He's kind of a creep, but I don't think too much of it. It's his personality. I think it's the way he just sits back and stares. With his eyes. It's like he blocks off all source of emotion until he has to. I guess it depends on the day.

"Yes, I just zoned out." I said, and he nodded.


"Guys what do we even do today," Caleb asked, bored. We all are sitting on the couches, we cleaned up the entire fort. It took a lot of convincing for everyone to help clean it up.

"I don't know but I'm really fucking bored," Maddie said, on her phone.

"Should we do something active? It's nice outside." Sadie asked, and they groaned.

"How about we go to the beach or something. It's nice out, we can pack lunches, watch the sunset." Finn said, and everyone looked to him.

"That's actually a good idea." Sadie said, and everyone agreed. We discussed whose car we would take, and we ended up taking Caleb's, figuring it fits a bunch of people. But 4 people had to take a different car, and the only other cars were Sadie's and Finns, but Finn offered to drive before Sadie did.

"Okay well I'm going in the party car," Sadie said, and Noah Caleb and Gaten followed her. So it would be Finn Lilia Sophia and I in the other car.

We got into Finns car, but Maddie and Lilia were still tired so they wanted to nap in the back of the car. I had passenger seat then. His car was pretty nice though. It was comfortable.

Since Lilia and Sophia were gonna sleep, Finn didn't play music too loud. I couldn't tell if it was awkward or if it was a comfortable silence with the music in the background.

"You okay mills?" He asked me, keeping his eyes on the road, starting conversation.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Are you?" I asked, looking at him. I'm not going to lie, he makes me nervous. He looks intimidating. The way he dresses, looks. Everything. I love his black curls, and I personally like his side profile which I'm looking at right now. If I had to pick the most attractive guy here, it would be him. He also has that mystery to him that gives me something to think about.

I don't like him, I just find him interesting.

"I'm okay. You know you can always talk to me." He said, and I nodded. I forgot he couldn't see me, so I said yes.

"You know you can always talk to me too Finn. You seem isolated." I said, and he laughed and looked over at me, then back at the road.

"How do I seem isolated?" He asked, a joking smile on his face. I smiled.

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