Buckle Up Boys

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8:00 Planet of Geonosis Anakin P.O.V.

Shaak and I just arrived on the battlecruiser. We will be leading the third and hopefully final battle of Geonosis. These bugs will maybe get the message and give up in this war. 

"All right boys, you know the plan. I will lead a small group of hand-picked mento to join my squad. I want Rex, Fives, Echo, Hardcase, Jesse, and Dogma from Torrent Company." They all step forward and say simultaneously, "Sir, yes Sir."

"I also will be leading a small group. I want Orion, Reece, Smoker, Hunter, Anchor, and Seeker, from JackHammer Company." says Shaak in her 'Commander' voice. She is getting used to her position of command, but what she is trying to understand is that having command means you must prepare for troops to be killed. It sounds rough but that is what is about.

(In the Clone Wars series, JackHammer company and the clones that Shaak Ti listed were never mentioned. I made them up for the storyline.)

"If your name was called follow me and Master Ti. The rest of you will cover our assault on the Geonasian capital. " I say as the men say in unison, " Sir, Yes Sir." They have their assignments. They have their resources. We have nothing to stop us from crushing the Geonasians.

8:20 Geonosian Surface Shaak Ti P.O.V.

Me and my troops just and we see the Geonosians coming towards us in mass. I was getting jittery but Anakin put on my soldier. I felt at ease. We were ready.

Then Anakin said, "I hope no one left their lunch on the cruiser. All right men. FORWARD!" he shouts making some laugh while running towards the battle. Our squads are right behind us breaking through the enemy line. This is exhilarating. I block enemy fire with my lightsaber. I destroy enemy troops with my lightsaber. I block. I reflect. I slash. I do it all. But not for the republic. I do it for my men. I do it for Skywalker.

9:03 Geonasians catacombs

Skywalker and I broke off from the main party. Our respective squads are behind us walking cautiously through the Geonosian Catacombs. To be honest its very creepy done here. And it's freaking cold. I want to get closer to Skywalker but I don't want the clones to get sidetracked. 

"Mi'm brrga but mi don't k'ya ke ignite du lightsaber," I say in Togrutan. This means I'm cold but I don't want to ignite my lightsaber. I wanted to know what he was going to do. 

He says, "Du d'bhem mi dau yeh warm" which surprises me. It means  'My love I make you warm.' He then proceeds to put his arm around me and pulls me towards his body. I feel warm and safe. I feel loved and meaningful. But I hear the clones mumbling.

Before I could say anything, Skywalker proclaimed, " Before you guys ask, yes she is my girlfriend and yes the Jedi now allow attachments." He says with pride. But then continues, " You know what you guys are my best men so I'll tell a secret. 1)After we win the war you are allowed to go into stasis or train cadets or do whatever you want as long as you come back when duty calls. 2) The Jedi made the decision to buy the cloning facility so technically were pretty much your parents since your like 10 years old." he says. This stuns me and the men. Not even I know about these arrangements. Well st least the morale boost got out men in order. What lies up ahead is sure to kill their smiles.

615 words

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