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It's been a few days since the whole drunken sex incident and I've tried to erase that from my mind, but I can't.

Belle is still not sure that if our little drunken outcome made me plant another outcome inside her. She can't even go buy a pregnancy test because her entire family is at her house and if she leaves one of her family members might follow her and tell on her.

I'm at her house right now playing Call of Duty with her younger brother Harvey. Her older sister Everly is with her now official boyfriend Ezra playing basketball outside. Belle's baby sister Elise is hosting a little tea party with their cousin Xoe and Beck.

Eliza and her husband Milo are chatting with the other young adults in the family while the others are doing whatever it is mid-aged people do.

"So, are you and my sister Belle like, dating?"

When Harvey asks that I lose my focus and end up losing. Oh god what the hell?!

"No, no, no. Belle and me are just good friends, besides I don't think your sister even likes me like that dude."

"Oh I think my sister does, if there is one thing you become good at being the only boy in a family of three sisters, especially two older ones you can just learn how to describe a girls emotions and reactions."

He's so wise for a fourteen year old, I'm intrigued!

"See, when you're around Belle's face turns redder and we are a fair skinned family so anyone can easily detect that her heart rate increases at the sight of your face. Belle's strong and HBIC attitude dials down but when you do something she finds attractive she will go extra with it as a way to try and hide her feelings! It's a matter of whether you're really taking a good look at her to see she's very much interested in you."

I just stare at this kid in utter shock and I'm wondering if I really am that blind as to not notice that he's right about the fact Belle really does do that!

"So, how should I ask Belle out?"

"Well, most girls will like romantic vibes or even a simple sweet yet a tiny bit extra in their proposals to be someone's girlfriend. But this is Belle we're speaking of, so what you can do is take her to her favorite group's concert and ask her there, they have a show happening here in two weeks, her favorite group is Cigarettes after Sex and you know Belle is a big fan of the lead singer."

"That's not a bad idea! Thanks Harvey!"

I get up and go outside and whip out my phone and search for Cigarettes after Sex tickets.

There are some very good deals! Oh Belle is going to get the best surprise ever!


"Where are you taking me?"

"Just keep you eyes close we're almost there!"

"I swear that if I end up falling and busting my head open we will have some major issues here Ko Chao!"

"Nothing will happen I promise you." I laugh a little at her saying my name the same way my grandma does.

As I finish saying that I end up running Belle into a street light that cause her to bounce off the pole and into me.


"Okay now nothing bad will happen to you."

I lead Belle to the front of the door and I uncover her eyes.


She sees the big sign in front of the theater where the group will be performing in then faces me as I'm pulling up the Ticketmaster purchases on my phone.

"Oh my god!! Thank you so much River! Thank you!" She lunges at me and attacks my face with countless kisses.

I hold Belle's hand as we enter the concert arena and find our seats.

As the concert is nearing its end I grabbed Belle's hands and made her face me.

"I've got a question for you."


"Will you please be my girlfriend?"

Belle looked at me in shock and after a couple seconds she started to smile at me and nod rapidly.

"Yes I'd love to be your girlfriend."

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