Chapter 1 First Day

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It was the first day of school I was terrified oh by the way my name is Sadie Tuck. And it's my first day at Cramford High School.I ate my French toast and Bacon and went off to school my parents drove and said "Goodbye sweetheart I'm sure you will make new friends".But really I didn't. I asked this girl named Ashley Delarosa where the principals office was and she said "Take a right and it should be straight ahead" .I went to the principals office and got all my classes and my locker number "54687".After first period, I was walking out of class when this boy bumped in to me, we started picking up the books when we both lifted are heads and we hit heads.He shook my hand and asked "What's your name?I'm Chandler Parks.

I knew he was the one his green eyes and brown hair he was perfect!!!I said shyly I'm Sadie Tuck I'm new here.Then Ashley came up and said "Hey baby,wanna go to class now "As soon I heard those words come out of her mouth my jaw dropped and my heart felt like it shattered into millions of pieces.

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