Episode 9

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Natsu woke up to not only see Lucy on top of him sleeping like an angel but he also saw Ren in his right arm and Hisu in his left arm sound asleep snoring softly. Natsu smiled at the scene, but their was one thing on his mind
'How the hell am I supposed to get up' he thought to himself, he knew he couldn't just move them or else they'll wake up. So he decided to lay their and wait till the wake up no matter how long it takes.

An hour has passed and Natsu was growing impatient, until they all fluttered their eyes open and looked at each other first before looking at Natsu who was relieved he didn't have to stay still for another hour.

They all chuckled and got up wiping their eyes, Natsu got up and stretched. "Finally I can move" Natsu said stretching "hehe sorry" Lucy said nervously " it's okay we all had a long day yesterday so no problem, but where did you two come from how come your not in you guys room" Natsu asked " sorry we've only been in a small cottage in a forest by ourselves up until now so we're not used to our new surroundings so we came here with you guys sorry hehe" Ren said with a nervous laugh.

Natsu sighed and patted both of their heads and gave them a smile " it's okay" Natsu said rubbing their heads. The two started tearing up " ehh what's wrong did I say something bad" Natsu said panicked, the boys wiped their eyes with their sleeve " hehe no it's just that it's been awhile since we felt safe or happy with someone" they said wiping their face and looking at Natsu and Lucy.

"You see when we were born, everything was perfect. We had a nice house and a loving mother and father it was great until one day our mother passed out while cooking, we took her to the hospital and they said she had stage 4 cancer and only had a few hours to live. We were to young at the time to understand, but we knew it was something bad cause our father was in his knees crying his eyes out. He got up took our hand and we went to see our mother, she was pail, had bags under her eyes, and she had a wig next to her meaning she's been hiding it from us. We stayed with her and made her smile and laugh, she was happy then all of a sudden she started shaking. My father called the doctor and we all left the room, our father started pacing back and forth.

As time had passed, the doctor came out and my mother was pronounced dead, we didn't know what cancer meant but we knew what dead meant so we all were in tears on the ground. We saw our mother one last time and left, when we got home, it didn't feel like home it was dark without our mother she could brighten up a room with her smile and we missed it already.

1 year had passed and we were now 6 years old, we hadn't moved on from our mothers death, we thought our father hadn't either until one day he called us downstairs, we saw a woman with black hair and red eyes with a little girl with the same features. We could tell they were mother and daughter, but why are they here. We looked at our father and he said that she was our new mom and the girl was our sister, we were mad, but we put on a fake smile for our father, we only did it for him.

5 months had passed and they turned our father against us, everything bad they did like still his money or break a window they'll blame it on us and he'd believe them, but we kept putting on a fake smile and put everything behind us, until one day they went to far. Our "mother and sister" found the secret room where we kept all of our mothers pictures and belongings and destroyed everything, the front door opened and it was our father, they went to him and said we had destroyed the room and of course he believed them, but we had enough we screamed at him saying how could he believe some stranger over his own kids and that why would we destroy the only thing we had to remember our mother and said that we were leaving. We packed our bags some food, drinks, snacks, a tent, and tools, then left that hell whole we knew it wasn't going to be home when our mom died but what we don't know was that we would lose both of our parents
(Pause, your probably wondering why do six year olds need tools they shouldn't know how to use it, but your wrong you see when their mother was alive she took them camping and taught them how to survive in the wilderness and your probably wondering again why is she teaching them this well you see their mother was young when she was left in the wilderness so she had to learn by herself so she teached them just in case the same thing happened to them, now back to the story)

We lived in the wilderness for 4 years now and build a cottage, we still check on our father from time to time to see if he's okay we forgave him but still don't want to go back home, then we met Lucy and here we are and that's our story" they said putting on a fake smiling.

They then felt an embrace and looked to see Natsu and Lucy hugging them " it's okay let it out we know you want to so just let it out" Natsu said with a soft and soothing voice then the boys started crying their little eyes out cause just like Lucy they've been holding it in trying to look strong in front of others but really they were hurting on the inside.

The boys have stopped crying and wiped their eyes and looked at Natsu and Lucy " we decided to not live in the castle" they both said which shocked Natsu and Lucy " what why" Lucy said " someone has to keep our family tradition going" Hisu said " family tradition" Natsu questioned " yea in our family when a child turns 10 years old they start their journey across the world to learn and train, its a tradition on our father side when we were little we promised him no matter what we would do it, even after everything that has happened we will keep our promise we will leave today, we already packed our things so we're good" Ren said with a thumbs up. (I got the inspiration from Pokémon, y'know like when they turn ten they leave on their journey so yea, and back to the story)

Lucy sighed and looked at the boys " the short time I've know you guys was the best I hope you enjoy your journey" Lucy said patting their heads " same here I may have just met you guys yesterday, but I can tell your good kids so take care" Natsu said ruffling their hair

After saying good bye to everyone the boys left on their journey and promised to one day come back and visit everyone.

(You guys are probably like 'wow she did another flashback' yes cause I don't like when my audience are confused so I try my best to not make them confused by exposing the situation in a flashback or by authors note)

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