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After some minutes we let each other, took a step back. He left my hand up in the sky and turned me around to look. I changed. In front of him there was a beautiful confidence woman instead of that fat girl from years ago. Was he chocked or did he loved it, I had no idea. I could joked "I took 'How years can change you' lessons." But it was one of the precioust moments we got so I don't wanna mess. But I went nervous because he really didn't say anything and he gave not even a little move on his face. Suddenly I thought in front me was Tommy here. You could never see if he was angry or happy. Never show up on his face. since he went from the war he smiled rarely. He used to laugh at silly jokes Arthur made. Now it was a miracle if you can catch a little smile of him. Okey we accepted Tommy like that but please god I can't lose Michael.

He literally said nothing and that's made me to break the silence first. "Now I'm a real princess I guess."

Looked to him nerviously, waiting what his answer was. A smile came on his face. Than he said something that every girl will melt for. "You are always a real princess in your heart." I was really happy that I totally forgot with which feelings I came to Birmingham. How a friend can do wonders.

I would talking to him hours but I forgot that there was a May in the other sides bar. "Oh I want you to introduce a friend I made in the train."

"So you replaced me?" Raised his eyebrows up.

He laughed me. Dumby thought he really that? What was he changed in a cute big boy. "Ofcourse not. Nobody can't sitting in your place mr Gray." I said with all my respect.

"Well you shotted in my heart mrs Shelby." It was his I forgive you silly girl forgiveniss. You should know Michael enough what he wanted to understand. Half of his childwood lived in a mansion, were he should be pretend as a gentleman but the rest of his time was wasting by us. There was a time that he went to us instead of going to the ball. He loved our lives, doing the craziest things without asking permission, become dirty for the mudder, playing on the streets... I admit we enjoyed every minute of our lives. That was the only mission we had to do that time. The fact that Michael took us as a sample had his own reason. But still he has the gentleman in him (for the ones who doesn't know him). Gentleman or a gangster I loved him and nobody can't change this.

I dragged him by his arm to the other bar. He went slow known that if I want to show something I'ld turtose him. Like now, pulled his arm like it was the end of the world. Opened the door. With hope May was there still. And I was right. She was there on the place where I left her. When we stand in front of her she looked up. With that action Michael said "Of fuck." I looked unbelieveble to him. Why he said that? Did he know her? In anyway it was very rude of him and I wanted take him back to the other bar. Felt shamed against May. But there was no time to feel me shamed enough because John and Arthur dropped in the bar. They didn't see me. Were to bussy with playing guns. As always. If Ada there was she would take all the guns out the hands. I could imagine her and saying "How can you being that unofficial at a family building." Instead of me. I was the opposite of Ada. Would joining their play. And that's why my brothers loved me more. And as I see their love for me have never changed in 4 years.

When they saw me otomaticly the guns fell out their hands. They were turned to standing looking suprised idiots. Such a photo worthed of the three. The first reaction came from John. "Yo Elsa is that you?"

"No don't mind me. I'm just a ghost visiting you." I confirmed myself.

"Oh shit she is." And runned to give me the hardest hug I ever get. Then he pulled me over his shoulder like a robber runs away with stoled stuff. As child did he that always. To test I losed weight every schoolday end he tested and said "I guess they let you survived in school." Than he gaved me milk and cookies to eat. What a good time...

And as now he said it again "I guess they let you survived in Paris." He putted me softly on the ground back. Secretly was wondering if he would give the cookies and milk in house. If you could ask how he feels he absolutely would shout "I'm the happiest alive." Ofcourse he was not the only one who was that happy. Arthur showed his whole 32 shinging white theeths to me. He putted his meters long arm over me and messed my hair like a box mate. That was his type of hapiness. I said in the start he was crazy.

After shaking me right-left over his arm he stopped and starting to ask the most thinkable question. "Wait I don't remember you at that height?" Looked to me with a serious face. Couldn't take him serious with a serious face. I mean he wasn't made to be serious. And for the first time in his life he asked a question that is a question. Made me suprised but yes you could see see I grew up, Reached to his nose. Normally I was 1.56 meters long. Reached badly only to his shoulders. But they didn't know my secret.

"Actually..." I started to take of my heigh heels and showed them. Now I reached his shoulders again. How it was in the old times.

"What the fuck how you wearing these?" John taked one and looked like he never saw heigh heels in his lifes. "I should give one to Esme." He said.

"You married her?" I asked fastly. Esme was his childwood love. As child he always said that he will married with her. I liked Esme. She was from Turkey, another country. Her accent was different when she talked but nothing has a distance when it comes to love. And John is a good boy without any doubt. He gave his answer as his smile, that charme smile. I was happy that he married with the girl of his dreams and hugged him. I got emotional because I wasn't at his wedding day. But it wasn't a big problem for John, I came now to home that was his hapiness.

"So you wear this to reach my hight."
Took Michael my heel from John.

"Why do you take everything so personall?" I said hightly. Ready to beat him. But Michael was a smart one and knows what to say. As always he wins against me.

"Because you said it and fighting with you is my job." Damn it his smartness. Handsome and smart how unfair. And I can't say nothing else. He shotted in my heart again. why I lose everytime against him?

"Hey my arm looks sexier now." We all turned to Arthur because what he said was unbelievble hilarious. We all started to laugh. He weared my other heel at his hand. We were looking to the most hilarious view ever. A big gangster wearing a heel at his hand. I swear you everybody could leave everything for just looking at that.

Nobody changed. In 4 years. A holy big 4 years. Everybody was the same how I left. No hate, no fights, no plans... We were still the family as before. More bounded than before. Even I wasn't 4 years here they talked to me like I was there the whole time. Never forgot me. Yes I was scared for what they gonna say. A new me. A sister that totaly was different of them. But you know what? They never pushed me in a way I never wanted to go. They accepted me, they believed in me. That was the difference between other familys. And I'ld forever being thankful for having them.


~ End of chapter 4. I wanted to introduce you how her brothers are. Mostly funny and a good sense of humor. like Polly says in the serie; "John is a good boy. Arthur tries. Tommy is different."  Yes in this chapter we all saw only 2/4 of the brothers the next chapter will I introduce you the others. (I know which one you'ld like to see first) But no spoilers... Everything has his row. Also kinda forgot May in this part because Elsa has an emotional come back so sry for that. May is absolutely here in the next you'll see. Please leave your comment and like. It's very important for me. Thank u and bye to the next...🍒

Elsa ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now