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For six months, Pandora Cox had lived in Figure 8 in her family's overtly large house and yet much of her stuff was still stored in the boxes it was shipped over from her home in England. Her parents would comment on it at least once a day: this was a long term move, it would be best to unpack at some point, maybe it would help her feel more comfortable in the new setting. It wasn't that they moved often or that their new life was completely contrary to the one they had lived before. It was more that every one she had met - the neighbours, the kids from school - had seemed to be living some sort of easy, breezy, dreamy life of social security within their limitless bank account.

It was the new year before Pandora met anyone at all likeable. Kiara, or Kie as she said she liked to be called, had someone how slipped under Pandora's radar the first half of the school year. However, as soon as they got talking over a history project Pandora could release the huge breath she had been holding in for 6 months.

The bell rang signalling the end of their world history class.

"Hey Kie, why don't you come over to mine to finish the project off tonight?" Pandora suggested, "It shouldn't take too long so we could watch a movie or hang out after if your dad's cool?"

"That actually sounds great, I haven't had a girls night in so long." Kie smiled, leaving the classroom at Pandora's side. "I'll catch ya' later then, Pandy!" With that the dark haired American disappeared into the sea of students.


The two girls became fast friends that night over their similar opinion towards their fellow classmates. Kie talked of the Pogues, although Pandora hadn't quite clocked the big rivalry between Pogues and Kooks, describing her friends and how the Brit would most likely fit in more there having the common sense she did.

Eventually, Kie was even able to persuade Pandora to unpack her things asking about and learning of her life back in Britain. Pandy, of course, was more than happy to talk of the place she called home. She was proud of it and not about the drop that part of herself but she was beginning to feel prepared to take on a new part of her life in Figure 8.


It was couple months before she met the rest of the Pogues: John B, JJ and Pope. Kie and Pandy had stuck to each other's side whenever possible at school and eaten together at Kie's dad's restaurant weekly cementing their bond as friends. However, this meant for Kie she wanted Pandy to meet the boys that were most important in her life, although the way it actually went down wasn't quite how she'd wanted it to go.

It happened one evening when Kie and Pandy were having dinner at the restaurant, happily chatting away, laughing about something that had happened in school that day. John B, JJ and Pope stumbled through the door in the hopes of finding Kie, and once they did realising she wasn't alone.

"Oh, so you've been ditching us for a Kook then, Kie." JJ called, grabbing the female Pogue attention. The three boys swarmed the table before either Pandora or Kie could reply. Pandora felt smaller than she ever had done within the school on the north side of the outer banks. 

"Uhh, Kie, are these the friends you love and adore?" Pandora asked with the Pogues in audible range. To this, Kie regretfully nodded.

"And she is British, boys, what fun!" The blonde boy mocked, his outlandish remarks began to make the whole table a little uneasy as Pope and John B clocked Pandora as not as kook-ish as she looked. 

"Could someone please remind me what a kook is?" Pandora asked the group.

"The rich bitches that live in the fancy houses north of the outer banks." John B answered in a calm voice.

"Perfect," Pandora turned to JJ who was sat next to her, "I hadn't even said a word to you and you'd already labelled me as a bitch. God, you're as bad as the kids at school! When did 'economically-comfortable' become synonymous with 'bitch'." Pandy rolled her eyes, getting up from the table. "I was quite excited to meet the guys Kie had told me all about but I guess they aren't here. I'll see you tomorrow Kie, sorry to drag you away from your friends."

"Sorry about them, Pandy, I'll set them straight. See you tomorrow." Kie assured Pandy, disappointed in her friends first impression. She had wanted them so badly to get along and for the boys to look beyond Pandy's economic status but JJ just couldn't keep his mouth shut. Pandora acknowledged Kie, swung her bag over her shoulder and headed straight out of the restaurant without looking back.

"Guys..." Kie groaned, her head in her hands, once Pandy had disappeared out of view, "that was Pandy, the only other decent human being at school, the one I wanted you to get along with."

Recognition filled the eyes of the three boys. JJ apologised and John B adding, "She seemed cool."

"I know." Kie replied, "I don't know if she is ever gonna want to see you guys again."

"She was hot." JJ spoke aloud thoughtlessly, to which Kie rolled her eyes. The four Pogues stood up from the table making there way to their usual hangout at John B's for the evening. Currently, John B was living there alone. His dad had disappeared at sea months before and supposedly John's Uncle was living with him as his guardian but he was in Missouri working. John knew eventually child's services would reach out to him but until then, he would enjoy it.


That same evening, Pandora returned home a little more deflated than when she left. She took off her makeup and changed into some joggers before sitting down to finish some homework. It wasn't too long before she received a text from Kie.

Kie <3 : Heyy, I'm so sorry about earlier, JJ was being an idiot. We going to hit the beach tomorrow evening, if you wanna join, I promise they will be on their best behaviour. xx

Pandy : No worries wasn't your fault. If the Pogues are happy I'm not crashing then I'll be there. See you tomorrow xx

That following evening saw the beginning of more new friendships for Pandora and the introduction of a second north-sider to the gang. Although she refused to be labelled Pogue or Kook, Pandora found her place within the group, enjoying the cheap beers on the beach, watching the others surf as she damned never having the opportunity to learn in Britain. John B promised her that that summer, when they were having the best summer of their lives, he would teach her and she would look as if she had been born surfing. Pandy smiled and nodded, finally feeling settled south of the Outer Banks.


The dynamic of the group blossomed over the following few months until a fateful summer's day when a hurricane changed it all.


Thank you for reading Pandora and The Pogues! I felt this first chapter was need to introduce the characters and set the dynamic before jumping into episode one. Hope you enjoyed. xx

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