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-Addison's P.O.V-

I glanced over at the pool and saw Ondre resting his head against Maddy. Honestly that's the cutest shit I've ever seen. But I'm mostly just really happy for Ondre, I could tell he needed somebody like that. For a while now we've all noticed how distant and quiet he's been. We were a little worried but we kept a close eye. I really like Maddy she's so different and brings such a good vibe. Plus she likes to cook and clean so nobody here's complaining about that.

I got up to get another drink. I think everyone was at least 2 or 3 drinks in by now. So I suggested maybe we have something to eat. It was around 6PM, we had been out here for a while now. We all gathered by the edge of the pool and decided to put an order in for delivery. It's better when we all do it together because then we split the cost of delivery.

"Where do you guys wanna order from?" I asked opening my phone.

"Ou I'm feelin maybe some In n Out" Tayler said from his floaty. Everyone agreed. I put in my order and passed my phone around for everyone else.

"I don't know what to get I've never had In n Out" Maddy said holding my phone. Everyone looked at her. "What you guys really thought we had In n Out in Canada?" She laughed.

"Okay true, but still sad. Here let me pick something out for you" I said taking my phone back. "What don't you like?" I asked

"I'm not picky I like pretty much everything." She said. Everyone started shouting out ideas on what she should try. "Oh my goodness I'm going to be 300 pounds after tonight" She laughed.

"I think you're fine" Ondre said poking her in her side.

"Okay everyone have their order in?" I asked. Everyone said yes "okay it says it'll be here in 45 minutes." We stayed outside for a bit longer.

"Okay I need to get out of the sun I'm definitely going to have a sun burn" Maddy said standing up. Everyone else seemed to be in the same boat. We all headed inside. I heard the doorbell ring so I went to answer it when everyone else went to change. I got excited our food must be early! But it was just a package addressed to Ondre. I signed for it and texted him, no more than 30 seconds passed and he came running down.

"Ouuu what is it!" I asked. Following him to the kitchen.

"Shhhhh it's a new phone I got it for Maddy since hers broke." He said smiling.

"Aweee that's so nice!! You really like her don't you" I said teasing.

"Yeah is it obvious?" He asked looking at me

"Only a little" I laughed. "Are you gonna surprise her? Ou how are you gonna do it?"

"I don't know yet I haven't thought that far this came in super quick" he said

"Ou I'll put it in her In n Out bag. You hand it to her and when she gets to the bottom she'll find it!" I said getting excited.

"Okay okay not bad let's do it" he said.

Once the food got here I organized everything into bags for everyone.

"FOOOOODS HEERREE" I yelled. Everyone came in and I handed out bags. They all went back to their separate rooms but Maddy took hers to the dining table with Ondre, Tony and I. She took everything out and noticed the white box in the bottom. She looked up at us confused. Ondre started smiling and she noticed.

"What did you do?" She asked him smiling.

"Open it" he said smiling back. Tony and I were smiling so hard watching.

"Stop" she said. She took it out and looked at it. "You didn't" she said to Ondre.

"Do you like it?" He asked

"Of course I like it, thank you, you really didn't have to" she was tearing up a little.

"Oh Maddy no" I came over to hug her.

"I'm sorry I just can't believe I'm here right now. This past week has been the best week of my life. I don't know how I could ever repay you guys for being so nice and welcoming." She said. We all came in to a group hug.

-Ondre's P.O.V-

After we ate, I helped Maddy set her new phone up. She seemed really happy with it. We were sitting on the floor leaning against her bed. She was loading all her contacts and social media's.

"I'm gonna head down to get a drink do you want one?" I asked.

"Sure whatever you're having" she said looking up at me smiling.

I went down and grabbed a couple white claws. Then I heard her yell from the top of the stairs.

"Maybe one of my bottles of wine?" I grabbed everything and came back up.

"We drinkin?" Tony said opening his door as I came up the stairs.

"Yes come party!" Maddy shouted down the hall. Damn. I was hoping to have some time alone. Oh well. Tony walked down and to my surprise Addison followed him from his room. I had no clue that was even a thing. I gave him a look and he just nodded. Addison went down and got drinks for her and tony and we all sat in Maddy's room.

As the night carried on we chatted about life. Got to know each other really well and we learned a lot about Canada and Maddy's life. And how apparently she really misses A&W and Timmies. We had had a lot to drink at that point. I think Maddy drank her whole bottle of wine on top of everything else she drank today. She seemed pretty out of it. Eventually Tony and Addison left and it was just her and I.

"I think you need to go to bed" I said laughing at her.

"Why do you say that" she said slurring her words while laying on the floor upside down with her feet on her bed.

"Come on, up ya get" I said reaching my hands out to help her stand up. As she stood up her eyes went a little cross eyed and she fell into me.

"I can't go to bed because I'm not even tired don't tell me what to do you psycho" she said into my shirt. I laughed

"Okay whatever you say I'll leave you alone then" I said laughing and walking to the door.

"Nooooooooo" she said melting down sitting cross legged in the floor. "You can't leave because what if a bad guy climbs in my window and steals me! I am highly inebriated and can't defend myself you need to stay" she said pouting.

"Okay but only till you fall asleep and then I'm going back to my room" I said picking her back up.

"Noooooo" she said getting into bed. "You have to stay forever."

I mean I'm not exactly sober right now either, and as much as I want to stay, I know I probably shouldn't. But my room feels like a million miles from here. And everything feels so right with her. I'm gonna stay. I walked over and sat beside her bed next to where she was laying.

"You can sleep up here silly. I don't bite" she laughed.

"Yeah but I do" I said laughing with her. She rolled over and started playing with my hair. And we both drifted off to sleep.

New Girl - Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now