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-Maddy's P.O.V-

We slept in separate beds that night for the first time in forever. It felt so weird. The next morning I spent unpacking my car again.

Things were weird between Ondre and I. I knew he wanted to talk and work on things but he was also being really distant and we weren't spending any time together really. I wasn't sure honestly if we had broken up or not. I could tell he wanted his space so I just let him be and would wait for him to come to me when he was ready. We went the whole day without talking. We didn't eat together we didn't see each other really. It honestly felt like he was avoiding me. I decided I'd go for a swim before bed to clear my head and relax a bit since I was so tense.

But to my surprise when I went out to the pool he was already out there. I walked out in my bikini and when made eye contact with him, I stopped in my tracks.

"I'm sorry I'll go" I said turning around. I didn't want to bug or get in his space.

"No" he said. I turned back to face him. He looked me up and down and said "you can stay"

My heart was beating so fast. I stepped into the pool at the opposite end where he was and grabbed a pool noodle to rest my head on while I floated around on my back.

I was startled by the feeling of his hands grabbing my ankles and moving up my legs. He eventually made his way to my hips and he pulled me in to straddle his waist. I locked my feet behind him and sat up so we were face to face. We didn't say anything. He looked down at my lips and then back to my eyes. My hands rested on his shoulders, you could cut the tension with a knife. My heart was beating faster than before. I moved my one hand to brush his hair out of his face and traced it back down his neck to his shoulder. His gaze kept moving between my eyes to my lips. I was so conflicted, do I kiss him? Does he want me to kiss him? If he's mad at me why did he pull me in? I couldn't keep looking at his eyes or I'd surely kiss him, so I looked down. Only to have him pull my chin up to kiss me, and suddenly I could breath again. His kiss was like a breath of air and I needed more. The kiss grew and became more and more passionate, our breaths heavy. He traced his hand up to my jaw line and pushed his fingers through my hair, keeping his thumb on my cheekbone, while his other gripped my waist. I rested my hands lightly around his collarbone as he pulled away, while touching his forehead to mine.

"Ondre" I said. Not really knowing what to follow up with but just needing to say something. He let go of me and stepped out of the pool. I stayed standing in that same spot as he dried himself. He looked down at me and we made eye contact for a few sweet seconds, and then he was gone.

I'm so confused. What was that?

-Ondre's P.O.V-

I'm not proud of what just happened. I walked to my room with the image of her racing through my mind. I was weak. When she walked out in the bikini I got her on our first date, I got flashbacks instantly of that night, of our first kiss. I couldn't help myself, I told myself not to a thousand times over in my head but my body kept saying yes. It felt really nice to hold her and touch her and kiss her again. I know it's only been a couple days but I missed her.

I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling just in a daze. I heard her steps coming up the stairs and down the hall to her room. I wanted so badly to go in there. But I can't forget what she did. It's going to take some time for me to move on and forgive her for that. Then I forgot how thin our walls are, as I could hear the muffled sound of her crying. My heart broke to hear her, I was beating myself up not to go in there now.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.

Don't —

I opened her door to see her sitting cross legged in the middle of her bed in a hoodie and shorts.

She quickly wiped her tears when she saw me come in. She looked confused. I was pretty confused too. I just went with what felt right, and I laid down next to her, pulled her in and just held her. I hated this limbo we were in. I ran my hands through her hair until she fell asleep. I thought I'd better go back to my bed though. So I slowly moved her over and I got up to go back to my room where I fell asleep.

-Maddy's P.O.V-

I woke up confused, since I remember falling asleep with Ondre laying next to me. Last night was weird. But good. I'm just so confused as to where we're at right now. I really need to address this like if we're even still together or not or just messin around like does he still care about me or even like me anymore I just really need some clarity here. So I did what any mature adult would do and I texted him from the room next door. I just sent a simple;

"can we talk?"

His name popped up on my phone screen seconds later. I didn't expect him to reply so fast.

"Yeah come here"

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