What the hell happened?

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(Marcus's pov)

Everything went right, the new gear was amazing, I loved the mask. no one in a million years could guess who I was. We lept from building to building, adrenaline pumping through our veins, wit, power, and anticipation flowing through us. god damn it was so perfect, I used my brute force and dominated every obstacle, when we finally got to the plant Hawk picked the lock and we dove in, landing softly and looking around. Right then is when things went down hill, the guards who were there were supposed to be on break, were positioned, almost as if they were expecting us. We had to fire two bullets that were supposed to be used later. I looked at Jackie concerned and she had confusion and hate in her features even concealed with the mask, we made our way down through the corridor and stopped in front of the door we were supposed to break into, but there were supposed to be guards, and the door was supposed to be locked.

Neither were positioned as planned, I don't know how the other's did but we pushed open the door and stepped inside, what awaited us was horrifying, a note, from the group who wanted us dead was placed neatly next to a box, Jackie read the note and I picked up the box. When I opened it I almost dropped it, Inside was a bloodied, messily severed hand. The problem was it was familiar, The dirt and grime that had usually been plastered on Jade's nails had been scrapped in the struggle but was still there. I clutched the box to my chest and darted out, Jackie following close behind. We saw everyone else on the roof and explained what we found, they found a note as well but luckily only one bloodied body part. We sprinted, screw air we don't need you, we eventually got home to see it was destroyed, spray paint coated the outside walls, and the building was rubble, we walked in and over debris down stairs to see our home reduced to pieces.

Jade nowhere to be seen, the only acknowledgement of her existence was blood splattered on a far wall.

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