wait...what? who?

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( Marcus's POV) 

Alright hold up, who is this? I ask pointing to the young girl. Maximus gives me a look, " I just said man" I roll my eyes, " Yes but that isn't very clear" he sigh's over dramatically. " Okay, this is a girl iv'e known for a while, she is a language, and history expert. also my sister." We all gasped, what?! " Wait how long have you had a sister?!" Maximus closes his eyes for a second, "umm twelve years..." just then we hear a small voice " I'm thirteen brother" we look at the girl who is now sitting up, Maximus's face flushes a little, " Sorry"  she just shrugs. " hello, I'm Arylan. I'm max's sister and i'm here to help get jade? yeah Jade back" i can hear Jackie mumble " She's really cute..." then Hawk snickering, I just roll my eyes. " Hi i'm Marcus" "i'm Jackie" " 'ello, Name's Hawk" she nods at each of us. She stands up and walks to Maximus then whispers something, He hands her a bag and she disappears into the bathroom. I look at him and mumble " Cute kid" He just shrugs but there is a glint of pride in his eyes I feel a pang of pure pain stab into my chest and I stumble. All I could think about was her, how much I missed her and wanted her back, I whispered to myself " I'm sorry Sophia" I stared at the ceiling as the warm tears gathered at the edge of my vision, threatening to fall. No, nope nope nope, not going to do it. A single tear falls and sinks into the carpet, damn it. " Marcus we need to go" I nod and climb into the cockpit, taking the controls i guide the aircraft out of the hanger, not bad for just learning. Hopefully I don't kill annoying 

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