Around the World

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( Jackie's POV)

I was fuming, to say the least. All I could do was pace my room, thinking and occasionally picking a weapon up and destroying something. Scorpion? Maximus couldn't be serious, this guy was stationed all over the world, not just the united states, we're talking Europe, Asia, Hell I even think he's in Australia. How he's still free with strong holds having so much illegal activity going on is crazy. Even though he's the head of a huge corporation, I don't understand how cops couldn't nail him for something, anything. I don't really care though, as long as we get Jade back. I needed something to distract myself from my broken hand, I glanced around my room, finally spotting what I was searching for I dived towards the pain killer's, Maximus didn't know I had these and if he did. Anyway we all knew what was going to happen if Maximus was positive, we were in for the ride of a lifetime.

Because we knew we had the money, do we have the man power? I walked out my door to see Hawk playing a game on his phone and I couldn't help but think, he is the youngest, he's also the most innocent. I don't think he's ever had to kill before, " Hey Hawk?" I asked " Yeah?" he answered, not looking up from his game. " have you ever had to kill yet?" he just looked at me with a sad smile, " Yeah, yeah I have" wow, I guess I was wrong. Maximus busted into the room, " Pack a bag now. We're going to Japan" we all immediately got up and went our separate ways, I grabbed my knife, pistol, and a couple assault weaponry, along with clothes and other necessity's.

As I walked out the door I wondered how we were going to get to Japan without Jade, we had an airplane, but only she knew how to fly it. We all got on and Maximus started talking to Marcus in hushed tones so I couldn't help but be serious. As soon as I sat down I heard a loud crash, I jumped up to see the cabin door still open, and lying on the ground was a person, I grabbed my knife ready to kill but something was off, it wasn't right. I walked over to the person to see it was a girl, long auburn hair, Caucasian, but only looked about thirteen. What the heck? what do I do? should I kill her? uhhh just then Maximus walked back into the plane like nothing happened, I guess I never saw him leave. " Max who the heck is this?" he just looked at me and said " Hmm? oh that's Arylan. She's going to be helping, joining our team." and with that he just walked back to the cockpit.

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