Welcome To Camp Hellack

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Gary sat in his cubicle satan had been a total asshole as per usual and the fact that he wasn't really satan just an underling demon named Darren just like him urked him further he looked over at his photograph of Denise and thought of her death days melted into weeks, months into years he wanted her to be with him in hell but she was far to nice to heavenly to make the cut in fact though she had turned him down and often scowled during their dates.

 He did have deep love and affection for her still although there were woman in hell most didn't work in the miscellaneous circle although he had sex with Lee on many occasions besides that there was no one for him he was stuck being bitched at by Troy and pestered by Benji though he was sure that despite the monster that Benji was as a human he did care about him that Gary knew.

Gary heard screaming off in the distance, in fact, that was what he always heard this was hell though one small circle for miscellaneous sins he was grateful to not be on hook duty like Dizzay and William.

Being a demon torturing souls was something one had to get used to even if they deserved it hearing someone scream begging for you to stop was agonizing though he had endured similar tortures in the past.

" GARY GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!." It was "Satan" Gary almost fell up out off his seat and turned to run-up to his office.

Gary had made it up to the office knocking on the door and was told to come in.

Satan sat at his desk and Claude stood in front of the desk and Satan stood up

 "Gentleman I have a new job for you both and I thought you could execute the job correctly," Satan said handing them over a file to view Claude took it and opened it viewing the contents.

"Camp Hellack" Claude said questioning and Gary leaned over Claude's shoulder to look at the contents.

" What do we have to do with a camp? " Gary asked and Satan took a sip of coffee.

" It's a camp you know a summer camp I want you two to go topside and help run it for me we need more youth more Satanists and I figure you start em young the more loyal." Satan finished."

" You want us to convert children to satanism?" Gary asked dumbfounded. Whilst Claude shut the folder and pledged that he wouldn't let Satan down.

After that, they were riding the elevator topside with camp uniforms on each with a camp logo on them and Gary holding his trusty guitar.

" I don't know how you in your right mind can condone teaching children to worship Satan. " Gary said and Claude shrugged  " We're already damned to hell Gary we can't do anything worse." Claude finished as the doors opened to a grassy field.

After a few hours of driving, they got to the Campgrounds of Camp Hellack it was night time but they had set up in the counselor's cabin a fire roaring in the fireplace.

Claude hung up his phone and told Gary that Satan said that the children are arriving tomorrow.

They slept in the same bed which was a new experience to Gary as he hadn't shared personal space with anyone willingly especially when Satan sexually assaulted him viciously as punishment.

Gary lay beside Claude as they were both in Dick Van Dyke like matching pajamas.

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