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Hermione's attitude as regards the monster she had for a pet was enough to test the patience of a saint. Ron was no saint, and he knew that, but she was being swaggering, impossible, unendurable. She was so keen on defending that thing, over and over again. Didn't she care about Scabbers at all?

She was filled with indignation for being blamed so unjustly. Ron was being very unfair with Crookshanks: the poor thing didn't know he was doing something wrong. And Ron mistreated him and bellowed at him. Why did he have to be so aggressive? Cats go after rats. It's what they do. He had to work on his patience: Scabbers was alright after all, wasn't he?

He would not talk to her. That cat had it for Scabbers, and if she couldn't admit it, then fine. She would have to wait until seeing her didn't unnerve him. If she didn't care about the things that mattered to him, then FINE. He wouldn't speak to her. Period.

How could he be so.. so.. so infuriating?! The silent treatment? Really? How old was him? And those sarcastic jibes, "Don't mind Hermione, Lavender," Ron's voice echoed in Hermione's head, "she doesn't think other people's pets matter very much." As if! He. Was. Exasperating.

She was provoking. Unsettling. And so awfully correct. Couldn't she relax for a minute? Was it so difficult? At least- she could let him swear freely about Mcgonagall not letting their best friend come with them to Hogsmeade. Ugh. Don't even get him started with her "all-for-the-best"expression.

They looked daggers at each other all day every day for a week, but they were both getting a little bit tired of using Harry as an intermediary. And Harry was getting sicker of it by the minute. Ron and Hermione still had an impending Hogsmeade visit together, alone, tomorrow. However they hated each other at the moment, the prospect of missing the field trip they had looked for to have since first year wasn't on the table. Ron couldn't fathom how they would possibly have a good time together in the situation they were currently. Good, Hermione had ruined Hogsmead for him too now. Hermione's cat had, to be more precise.

Although a little guilt was protruding in Hermione's sharp semblant, the fact that she tried to hide it still got Ron in a bad mood with her. However, it still intrigued him that Hermione kept behaving strangely. He couldn't help it, angry or not, her timetable, her classes... Nothing about her made sense lately.


He looked over at the boy who had bellowed at him. George's face hinted disappointment, as if they had said something funny and he was too distracted to laugh about it. All about Fred, who was sitting next to his twin, denoted sassiness- he was making that face he made when he was about to crack a joke or mock someone.

"What's gotten into you, little bro?" Fred started, in a false preoccupied tone.

"Or may I say," joined him George, catching up.

"Who's gotten into you?" Their voices in unison hurt his years. Maybe that was why they turned so red, he thought silently.

Looking for ways to defend himself,
he looked up to Harry, who was taking his usual spot opposite him in the Gryffindor table. It was the night before halloween, and they were all in the Great Hall helping themselves to roasted chicken and mashed potatoes. When Harry shrugged, also helpless, he automatically checked on Hermione, who usually took her place beside him. But to Ron's surprise, there was nobldy at his right, and on his left he found a round boy whose face shouted "I have forgotten something important and my grandma is going to murder me."
But- where was Hermione?
He continued eating, thinking hard. It seemed the twins got bored after a while of waiting for a response that would never come, seeing Ron had drifted away once more.

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