All is fair in love and war

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Long chappy because I took too long to update. Sorry guys, it's my first day on vacations, so I promise I'll try to be more active.

victim alert::::

*poor Rose (yep hi, mi name), she believes someone's actually waiting for her to update lol*

Well, here it is, hope you enjoy it :)


"C'mon! C'mon! Stupid- useless- little- radio-"

At last, after a lot of wrestling with his radio's antenna, something intelligible came out of it: "Merry Christmas," said a chanting voice.

Very merry, Ron thought mirthlessly, as he feel back onto the mattress. The morning sunshine was protruding from the window, which showcased scenarios that one could hardly associate with war:  dazzling white trees, flashes of sunlight bouncing everywhere in the snow, and the faraway sea, peaceful and yet, restless. The sound of its soft waves mingled with the French christmas carols that resounded from downstairs.

"Ron! Come have some coffee!" said Bill's voice outside Ron's bedroom door. "Fleur is making some treacle tart and we're putting some nice music. Come on, you need to get a grip of yourself, you can't be slacking and licking your wounds all day."

"I'm not hungry," Ron said lethargically, without bothering to open the door. "Thanks, though."

"I'm sure they'll forgive you if you explain what happened with the Snatchers and Splinching and stuff. Friends argue, but forgive." At Ron's silence, he added, "Up for a chess game? I let you win yesterday."

"Yeah, maybe later. Thanks Bill."

"Alright then."

He heard Bill's footsteps receding. Ron knew his elder brother wasn't impressed about what he'd done, but he was immensely grateful for his decency, for having welcomed him in Shell Cottage when he didn't have anywhere else to go, not nagging nor condemning him like the rest of his family would have done.

It had been great, seeing them again, being aware of the events in the Magical World. But any comfort in those activities was often quelled: the shame was excruciatingly invasive.

Some days, like today, Ron felt an angst so strong it drained all his energy: he was better fed that he had been for months, but it still felt as though emptiness was corroding him on the inside. Ron could only tolerate to listen to the radio on these days, it was the only thing that could distract him from regretting, from hurting himself with remainders of how stupid he had been, how he deserved everything that was going his way.

He had run out on them. Ron's name in Hermione's voice was still echoing in his head, forcing him to remember everything he loved and had left behind. He had tried to come back, he had wanted it the second after he had Disapparated. But the effing gang of Snatchers had held him back, and then when he reached the river bank where they had camped, Harry and Hermione were gone . Just like that; gone forever.

Ron knew they didn't need him, that they were probably better now, without his grumpiness and whining and utter idiocy. He tried blaming that locket for his own behaviour, but he knew it was him who had drove the others away- he had behaved like a total arse, and he was paying the price now. He knew he'd never stop thinking about their safety, whether they were fine, or if they were doing well... That's why he spent most part of the day listening to the radio.

But up to now, nothing. They were alive, up to what he knew. Alive... and maybe even having fun, abusing him for his treachery or realizing how better it all was now that it only was the two of them... What if Harry and Hermione really were happier now? What if the two of them were kissing, now they had the tent to themselves? Or worse, what if they were-

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