Fifth Year: n12 Grimmauld Place

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Unpopular opinion: OTP is my favourite movie. (not book, but i looove the movie; look how cute romione are <3)

Which is yours?

Btw: if you have any requests for me to write about a specific missing moment just ask!


"Your turn!"

"No, I've done puking pastilles last!"

"No you didn't! I did! Remember Mum giving me that sickening reversing potion? The one that made me puke violet!"

"Okay, fine," George sighed, exasperated. "Why don't we try them at the same time? That way if Mum asks, we can say we-"

"-duelled! Brilliant!" said Fred, rummaging in the bag and grabbing two nosebleed nougats.

They beamed at each other. George was really excited for the things he and his twin were developing. He couldn't help but think that if it hadn't been for Harry, who had secretly given them loads of galleons, they would have given up on Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. It was what they had been working for all their lives, it may seem stupid to some, but it really was important for them. Everyone needs a laugh now and then. And what were they better at than cracking jokes?

Ten minutes later, however, the landscape had changed: Molly stood scowling at bleeding Fred and George, with her arms folded in her chest.

"Ginny! Help your brothers, will you" She said, giving her youngest daughter some strange potion and a handkerchief.

"Yeah, Mum, Ron and I got it, you go." Molly kissed Ginny, gave a dangerous look to the twins, and stormed out of the room.

"I'm sick of this place!" whined Ron. The Weasleys had been in number 12 Grimmauld Place for one week now, and they were finding the holidays to be particularly boring. "And Harry's not coming here for another month! Can a person die of ennui and lassitude?"

"Ennui," Fred chuckled, "swallowed a dictionary?"

"Sorry, I spend too much time with Hermione." Ron said this in what he struggled to make an off-handed voice, but George noticed his ears had turned a soft shade of pink.

"What about Hermione?" asked Ginny.

Nothing! I mean er- what about her?"

"Relax, mate. She meant to ask when is Hermione getting here. Have you sent Pig to her yet?"

"Oh, that! Um- yes, I mentioned it. She wants to come, but- I think she'll be arriving tomorrow. I already talked to everyone, they were fine about it. They thought it strange I asked."

Ginny jumped excitedly. "Of course, silly! You three are like a pack; it'd be strange not seeing you together. You'll have to do something about the elf heads, however. If she sees them..."

"Oh god," said Fred. But George saw him wink to Ron when he thought nobody was watching. Ron shot him a look that said "shut up". What the on earth?

"Well- I'll see what I can do," Ron said, as he went off the room and up the staircase, gripping his wand tightly.

When he was well out of earshot, George asked, "What was that all about? That wink?"

"Are you really that thick? I thought better of you, Georgie," said Fred, jabbing playfully at his ribs.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Ginny spoke now. "He likes her!"

"Like? The prat's mad about her! You two should have seen him in the Yule Ball- fuming, he was. On the verge of punching Krum, I bet. But no," Fred added, looking straight at his twin now, as if he could read his mind. "We can't mock him- not yet."

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