What Makes You Beautiful

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Her cartoons were the finest in the San Fran area. People of all ages, all shapes, all colors, loved her cartoons. The whole situation was quite rare. In modern times, people tended to stray away from newspapers and physical copies and were hyper-focused on screens. But something about her work reeled people in.

The weekly installments were timelessly funny. Her style of art was surprising, yet memorable and her word choice was superb. She was critically acclaimed in the city for her work and she was proud to admit that, as a girl who used to doodle on every school notebook she ever had and on every wall of her parents' home, she was earning a good amount of money.

She made quite a bit of money. Not just from the newspaper, but also from side projects she would do. She kept quite busy, but not busy enough.

She would often let her inner thoughts get to her. What if I stop having good ideas? My work isn't good enough. People will have to hate me eventually, right? In her cramped office (small is how she liked it) she would allow herself to be drowned by alcohol and self-loathing. She was insecure in herself and her work and she didn't know what to do to stop the madness in her head.

~You're insecure Don't know what for You're turning heads when you walk through the door Don't need make-up to cover up Being the way that you are is enough~

Days would go by and one after the next, she would draw a gorgeous, detailed drawing (not up to her standards of course), and seconds later she would crumple the piece of paper in a fit of rage and would expel her anger with a scream. She would take copious sips of alcohol (her personal favorite was whiskey) that she kept in her coffee mug.

Her assistant, Harry, didn't like it when he heard her yelling and crying. He originally wanted to work with her because he knew how talented she was and he wanted to be able to grow from her work. Watching his mentor rip herself to shreds was extremely difficult.

One particular day, the yelling and anger were more intense than the 'norm'. Usually, he just let it slide and kept typing away at his desk adjacent to her office door. One time he tried to come in during one of her episodes and she pushed him away, insisting he get back to work, so eventually, he stopped trying.

When he heard glass shatter, he knew he couldn't wait any longer. He stood up from his desk and slowly knocked on the door.

"Y/n," he said softly, "can I come in?"

As soon as he knocked, her loud shrieks dulled down to a broken sob.

"Mhm," she croaked.

He walked in cautiously, fearful of the glass he had heard shatter. He found her eyes, stained with mascara and sorrow. She appeared truly and utterly defeated. He had never seen her like this. She tried to keep herself very polished so that no one would judge her work based on her actions, but she couldn't handle it anymore and she broke. She broke like the vase that was shattered on the ground, leaving water, flowers, and glass scattered on the floor. But, Harry did not care about that. The minute he saw her, he walked over slowly and sat down on the floor near where she was slumped.

He was caught off guard when she snaked her arm around his shoulders and draping the other in front of his stomach, latching onto him as she sobbed. It broke his heart. He didn't think that that was possible. He was a work-driven man and he allowed his personal life to go to the back burner. But when his boss was slumped over crying in his chest, he had no other emotion than empathy and sadness. He didn't truly know the meaning behind her outburst, but it didn't matter.

They sat in silence for what felt like timeless time. It was not fast and it was not slow. They just existed.

"I'm scared of being a failure," she confessed through sniffles.

"Why's that?" he questioned sweetly.

"People love me now, but there is always an end to 'now'. I know that there will be a breaking point when my stories are not funny and my drawings are not pristine and every time I go to create something, I am paralyzed by the idea that my downfall might be around the corner," she was slow and profound with her words. Her bottled up feelings came out without a hitch as if they had been there, fermenting for years. But he didn't talk, he knew she wasn't finished.

"And I am so hard on myself. I always have been. My insecurities get the best of me and I lash out. I drink alcohol to suppress my worries and I know I shouldn't. I just can't help but feel like everything I do is a complete failure."

"I know this doesn't help, but I like your work. In fact, I love it," Harry exclaimed quite matter-of-factly, "And yeah maybe you're right. Maybe the end of your success is right around the corner."

She pulled her head away with confusion lacing her brows. She wasn't expecting him to say something so curt. She giggled slightly.

"Well, aren't you Mr. Motivational Speaker," she chuckled sarcastically. Their laughs intermingled.

"Well, honestly none of us know when our success will end. But, you can't give up now. Giving up now would be like getting to Disney World, but only staying in the parking lot. For all you know, the best is yet to come," Harry mused.

"Thank you, Harry," she smiled.

A calming silence fell over them.

"And besides you're really beautiful," he spoke it before his brain could even process it, "I m-mean, you're, you're work is really beaut-"

"Harry it's okay. You're beautiful too and I guess I never really noticed because I was so caught up in my head."

She didn't say that statement in a flirty way. She just said it because she wanted too. She didn't blush and she didn't make it a big deal.

~Baby, you light up my world like nobody else The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell You don't know, oh oh You don't know you're beautiful~

Yes, they thought each other were beautiful in the typical exterior way, but they also felt that each other's minds and actions were beautiful.

"I need a friend Harry. I am so lonely. I go home to my dog and I go to sleep and then I wake up and go to work and do the whole thing over again. I need a friend and I think we could be friends. What do you say?"

He smiled and nodded, "Friends."

They lifted their pinkies and pinkie swore.

They were so similar it was almost shocking. They had spent so much time in their heads. Harry caught up in work and letting personal things fall apart. y/n with her alcohol, loneliness, and overall feeling of failure. Yet when they looked into each other's eyes on the floor of y/n's office, it was as if they had seen each other for the first time. It was as if their souls reached out and touched each other.

And Harry would have never admitted it, but he felt something more. He felt a warm feeling that he had not felt in a long time. A feeling of commonality between the two people who had emotionally distanced themselves from everyone else. And he knew that the pair were bound to be more than friends because the feeling he had, wasn't ordinary. From that moment he knew that Y/n would light up his world like nobody else.Start writing your story

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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