Chapter 15😍

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We made it back home and I make an Announcement on social media that me and Marc broke up.
Mattia&alvaro:We have ice creammm
Y/n:I love you guys
Mattia:Lets watch a movie
Alvaro&y/n:yeah let's do it
Star struck has always been our favorite childhood movie.

Mattia&alvaro:We have ice creammmY/n:I love you guysMattia:Lets watch a movieAlvaro&y/n:yeah let's do itAll:STAR STRUCKStar struck has always been our favorite childhood movie

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@Y/n_lovely:I love my twin🥺Alvaro wouldn't get in the picture🙄. Liked by Alejandro,kairi,Roshun,Mattia,Alvaro,TikTok room.
Fan__:Are you going to give ale another shot?
@y/n_lovely:idk maybe.
@Alejandrosario:I hope so!
I decided I wanted to talk to Mattia.
Y/n:Mattia can we have a serious talk please.
Mattia:Yeah,Whats up your scaring me
Y/n:I want to talk to you about Alejandro
Mattia: *sighs*What about ale
He's says clinching his jaw
Y/n:What if I want to get back with Ale
Mattia:I don't want y'all together again,Y/n he's not good for you.
Y/n:Well just let him be bad for me please Mattia I need him,I LOVE HIM MATTIA
Mattia:*Deep sigh*Fine y/n but if y'all have ONE baddd argument I'm running the whole thing
Y/n:Thank you Mattia I LOVE you.
Mattia:Yeah,yeah your about to get in a relationship this quickly?
Y/n:No I'm gonna give it some time but I'm gonna tell Alejandro we have his permission.
Mattia:Ok well I'm going to sleep goodnight.

||1 year later||
We are SENIORS this is my last year of SCHOOL
I woke up at 12:00 pm so I could go to my nail appointment

Mattia:Why do girls waste money on ur nails Y/n:because we like looking good,DUHMattia:Whatever the boys are coming over HANDS OFFF Aley/n:Whatever we're not even dating we're just in the talking stage||1 hour later||Ale:What's upRoshun:Hey bitche...

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Mattia:Why do girls waste money on ur nails
Y/n:because we like looking good,DUH
Mattia:Whatever the boys are coming over HANDS OFFF Ale
y/n:Whatever we're not even dating we're just in the talking stage
||1 hour later||
Ale:What's up
Roshun:Hey bitches that's my fav catch frase btw
Kairi:Hey sisters
All:Ok James Charles
We all laugh and then decide to go live on my phone.
Y/n:Hey guys lets play some games
All the boys:Chicken fight
*I think that's what it's called*
Y/n:How the Fuck do we play that
Mattia:whoever chickens out first to kiss is a chicken
Y/n:oh ok I can play that
Kairi and mattia went first Mattia chickened first then Alvaro and Roshun neither one chickened out and then me and ale neither one of us chickens out so we ended up having a whole makeout session
Mattia:Ok,Ok that's enough if you want to do all of that go to ur room
He picked me up and took me to my room I slammed the door shut and we kissed veryyy long we started to take our clothes off and we did it
Alejandro:You ready
He says out of breath from a long time of kissing
He sticks it in and it felt better than ever
Alejandro:please ride me
Y/n:that feels soo good please don't stop
*We did more but that's all I'm putting*
We walk back into the room with our clothes on backwards
Mattia:wow 30 whole minutes
Kairi:please ride me
Roshun:that feels soo good please don't stop
Alvaro:I hope it was good cause damn that's y'all what 2nd time
Alejandro:oh when you didn't want us to date we did it at my house and in her room so it's actually our 3rd time
Mattia:whatever it time for y'all to go home we have school in the morning
All the boys except Mattia and Alvaro:Bye see y'all tomorrow.

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