Chapter 18💔

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I start to cry and ask kairi if he can go out of town with me for the tournament
Kairi:yes I'll go but when are you going to tell everyone?
Y/n:idk whenever all of them come back
We decide to make cards so it can be a little bit better this is what they look like

Kairi:y/n YOUR PREGNANT I start to cry and ask kairi if he can go out of town with me for the tournament Kairi:yes I'll go but when are you going to tell everyone?Y/n:idk whenever all of them come backWe decide to make cards so it can be a little ...

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*ignore the hand*
I pack my bags and kairi packs his. I wasn't really in the mood for volleyball but we won and I posted this picture

 I wasn't really in the mood for volleyball but we won and I posted this picture

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Y/n_lovely:Anddddd...we wonn💋
Liked by kairi,Mattia,Alvaro,Roshun and 88,000,000more
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*Days later*
Kairi:You ready to go y/n?
Y/n:yeah I'm ready.And thanks for coming with me,This week has been hard ya know
Kairi:Don't worry y/n I'll always be there for you.
I start to cry and I hug him
Kairi:now lets go for the 3 hour drive
*3 hours later*
We got to my house and got settled In when I saw the post that would ruin my day.

I start to cry and I hug himKairi:now lets go for the 3 hour drive*3 hours later*We got to my house and got settled In when I saw the post that would ruin my day

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Victoria_redloveme:had fun with this cutie😉@Alejandrosario

TikTokroom:Wow So he just cheated on y/n

Y/n_lovely:trifling ass bitch
Victoria_redloveme:Told you I always get what I want💋

I throw the phone and tell kairi what happened
Incoming call from
Mi amor🥵💞

Accept.   Decline
I declined the call and posted on my Snapchat.

*week later*I get ready to tell all the boys except Alejandro because we broke up,I would tell him later

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*week later*
I get ready to tell all the boys except Alejandro because we broke up,I would tell him later....Maybe
Mattia:what's going on
Alvaro:yeah please tell us I have somewhere to be
Roshun:please take your time I have No where to be.
They all look at the cars and.
Mattia:wha- wait,wait your pregnant?
I start to cry
Y/n:ye- yes Mattia
Alvaro:fuck yeah I'm gonna be an uncle
Roshun:I'm going to be an god uncle
Mattia:I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch
He storms out of the house and drives away
Y/n:What am I going to doo
I say in tears
Alvaro,kairi&roshun:it's going to be ok
Alvaro:you need to go tell mama y/n
Y/n: madre
Ym: si cariño, que pasa
Y/n: mami estoy embarazada
Ym:wait y/n your what?
Y/n:mama I'm pregnant
She hugs me tightly and tells me it's gonna be ok

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