Chapter 22🥺

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As soon as I got home I thanked kairi and went in the house.
Alvaro:aren't you supposed to be at school
Y/n:yea- yeah
I say wiping back tears
Alvaro:what's wrong?
Y/n:am I not good enough?i just everytime I give him a chance I get PLAYED I just feel like shit.
Alvaro:no no
He starts to speak in Spanish
Alvaro: hermana te amo se está perdiendo (sister I love you he's missing out)
Y/n:thank alo I'm gonna go take a bath
Alvaro:ok and we'll watch a movie after ok

||Touchy topic||
If you have Suicidal thought you need to talk to someone,I'm not trying to make fun or offend anyone in this chapter thank you💋.

I go in the bathroom and run my bath water
While it's running I found a blade and started to slit my wrist,I almost hit a vain but I didn't
After I started to bleed a lot I got in the bath and went under.Then everything went black...
Alvaro's POV
Y/n was taking longer than usual so I went to go check on her when I got there the door was locked and she wasn't responding

Alvaro:y/n I coming in
I kick the door down and there I see her under the water with blood all over her and in the water
Alvaro:no no no open your eyes your gonna be ok please y/n
I start to cry and pick up my phone and called 911
Operator:911 what's your emergency?
I answer with a shaky voice
Alvaro:I I- went to the- the bathroom and my sister is laying in the tub with slits in her wrist and the water is bloody
Operator:ok give me your address I'll have police and and ambulance.
I give her my address and the ambulance and police show up
Police:can I ask you a few questions sir?
Alvaro:yeah sure
We walk in the house while the ambulance pick y/n up
Police:was she depressed or like really upset
Alvaro:yeah she came from school early asking about her worth and crying but I didn't think anything of it,like I didn't think she would try to kill herself.
Police:and why was she asking about her worth?
Alvaro:boyfriend problems
Police:where is the guardian at
My mom had been out of town but I was 18 so I Just told the police the truth
Alvaro:my mom is out of town for work but I have been taking care of my 17 year old siblings
Police:ok where can I contact her at
Alvaro: (xxx)-xxx-xxx
Police:thank you young man I'm sorry about your sister
And with that he told me the hospital she was at and left.
I rushed to hospital
Alvaro:Where's is my sister?
Receptionist:and your sister iss?
Alvaro:y/n polibio
Receptionist:ok young man room 200 straight down make a left and it will be right there
Alvaro:thank you
I run to her room and there she was asleep with cuts up her whole arm
Alvaro:we could've figured it out together y/n you have family that love you hermana.Dont ever scare me like that again I love you too much.
I call the boys and tell them what happened Mattia was hit the hardest.

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