1. The Prologue

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"I'll get that out right away, Hobi."

Hoseok nods and waltzes over to the counter. He stares at the counter like a predator watching his prey, just about to pounce.

The cafe was awfully busy today. Students, office workers, and occasional tourists occupy every chair. Kyunggi High School had just let out, as most office buildings have as well. Not to mention, it's a Friday. Kids don't have to worry about homework or their biology test tomorrow and the adults can just go home, eat dinner, then pass out on the couch after a drink or two because they won't have to stress about their aching hangovers at work tomorrow.

To be honest, Hoseok would have chosen any other cafe if he could. He would have settled for 7/11 even. Hell, anywhere else in Gangnam would have sufficed. It probably would have been cheaper too.

The cafe is fine. It's, quite honestly, like any other cafe except the plates are nicer, the prices are higher, the espresso is more expensive, and the people are only here for the photos not the food. Speaking of people, there are a lot. A lot of people means that the probability of someone approaching him increases. This screams anxiety and social interaction which is enough to send Hoseok curling into a ball.

"How can they even afford anything from here?" Hoseok asks himself, eyes glued to the marble countertop.

Just then, his drink is placed on the counter. The artist himself is none other than Park Jimin. Jimin and Hoseok have been friends since freshman year, so just over two years now. Since then, they've been inseparable. Never leaving the other's side unless class calls for it. Jimin never wants to let Hoseok leave his sight and the feeling is mutual for Hoseok.

"Here you go. On the house of course!" Jimin says, smiling. Hoseok snatches his coffee and sticks his tongue out.

"You don't have to pretend." Hoseok signs. Jimin does this often. He speaks to Hoseok without signing and wants him to walk off like any other customer. It was nice at first, knowing Jimin just wanted to treat Hoseok like everyone else, but Hoseok just isn't like everyone else.

"What? I'm not pretending!" Jimin exclaims.

"It's harder for me to read lips anyway." Hoseok signs.

"But the face you make when you're confused is so cute!" Jimin pouts. Hoseok sighs in response.

"Fine," Jimin gives in, "but won't you wait for me here until my shift is over, my Princess?" Jimin says dramatically, extending his arm out as if to take Hoseok's hand and waltz Hoseok around the ballroom until their feet bleed. Hoseok is used to it and just flat out unamused.

Hoseok shakes his head, obviously not ready to willingly humiliate himself in front of everyone within a six-foot radius. Jimin slouches, a playful pout flooding his features.

Hoseok sighs. He turns his head to the right only to whip it back in Jimin's direction. "Yes, of course, my prince. I couldn't bear a second away from you!" Hoseok bats his eyelashes and plays his part. "But I must fetch a novel from the nearby book sanctuary, won't you meet me there?"

"Yes, I can't wait to hold you once more, Princess!" Jimin beams, then giggles for a second. Though Hoseok has watched Jimin laugh seven million times, he never gets tired of seeing the other happy. Despite his face flushing bright red due to the embarrassment, he smiles nonetheless.

"Just wait for me at the library so we can head home together," Jimin notes.

Hoseok smiles, "okay, don't forget your coat. It's cold outside. See you then!" He signs.

And he's off!


"What's the answer to number twelve?"

Taehyung looks up to face his classmate and best friend. They've only started their work ten minutes ago and Yoongi is already cheating.

Every Friday they do their homework for the weekend together. "I'm not saying, do it yourself!" Taehyung exclaims. "And finals start next week. You're going to struggle if I help you cheat."

"But you're already finished and I'm struggling!" Yoongi's head drops. Taehyung just ignores him. Taehyung has always been a model student. He finishes his work early, scores the highest in the class, and makes it seem easy while looking like a prince.

A few moments pass of Taehyung looking around and Yoongi muttering, "Mr. Perfect, my ass. Can't even help his friend with the god damn homework." Taehyung glares at every customer in the cafe. Most are from school, he can tell by the uniform. He'd be lying if he said he didn't like the uniform. The skirts are short and the pants are tight. Absolute heaven for Taehyung. He'd also be lying if he said he wasn't looking to pick someone up so the search continues.

"See anyone cute?" Taehyung asks.

"Girl or guy?" Yoongi responds, neglecting his algebra homework.

"Anyone," Taehyung throws his head back in defeat, "I'm so bored."

"Quit whining," Yoongi smacks Taehyung's arm lightly with his pencil, "you could have anyone in this room and you know it." Yoongi's right, he does know it. Taehyung being openly pansexual, intelligent, ethereal, athletic, and humorous, people throw themselves at him every hour of the day.

Taehyung ignores Yoongi's claim and instead focuses on the boy glaring lasers into the counter. "The hell," Yoongi looks up from his paper, "why is he staring at the counter like that?"

"Where?" Yoongi asks. Taehyung nods to the boy standing by the counter. "Dear God, he can't take his eyes off it."

"Maybe he just really wants his coffee." Yoongi continues to stare.

"No one should be that horny for a cup of coffee."

"Don't kink shame." Yoongi takes his eyes off the boy to yell at Taehyung.

"Why, Min? Got anything freaky you wanna tell me?" Taehyung grins.

"Shut up before I-," Yoongi's eyes fall onto the boy again. "He got his coffee."

Taehyung faces the kid at the counter once again. The boy just picks up his coffee as any other person would. "I thought he'd be a bit more thrilled than that." Taehyung sounds disappointed.

"Honestly, same," Yoongi replies and shifts his focus back to his homework.

What Taehyung witnesses next is anything but disappointing.


A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed the prologue. I'll try to put out chapters as fast as possible. I hope you're all well and staying inside!

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