2. The Library

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"Yoongi! Yoongi, look!" Taehyung yells yet whispers in Yoongi's direction.

"What?" Yoongi asks, tugging his eyes from his paper.


"Taehyung, at what?!" Yoongi scolds.

Taehyung points toward the counter. Yoongi glances over. Confusion floods his features.

"What?" Yoongi asks.

"Dumb ass," Taehyung chides, "Watch it, pretty boy." Taehyung continues. "He's using sign language! He must be deaf!"

Yoongi looks the boy's way again. "Okay, and?"

Taehyung's eyes beam looking in the boy's direction. "Doesn't he fascinate you?"

"Stop that," Taehyung can't take his eyes off him. "You can not just objectify this boy like that!"

Taehyung follows the boy with his eyes until he's out the door. "Yeah, I've got to go."

"What?" Yoongi perplexes as Taehyung packs up. "Taehyung." Taehyung zips his backpack up, ignoring his friend. "Taehyung, stop."

"See you Monday, Yoo-," Taehyung is loudly interrupted. "Taehyung, stop!"

Taehyung turns back to face Yoongi before stepping away from the table. "Sit down,"

"But I've got to fi-," Taehyung begins.

"No," Yoongi throws a stern look his way. "Sit."

Taehyung obeys. "You can not just treat that kid like some animal at the zoo. He's an actual human being with actual human being things to do." Yoongi explains. "He can not just be something to feed your boredom, you're making him out to be some sort of toy!"

Taehyung avoids his friends' eyes. He knows Yoongi is right, he really does.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung quietly remarks.

"Don't apologize to me." Yoongi sighs and slouches in his seat. "Y'know, for such a smart guy," he starts, "you can be pretty stupid sometimes."

Taehyung chuckles lightly as Yoongi's eyes soften. "You're lucky you're pretty." Taehyung takes the compliment and flushes lightly.

Taehyung giggles and fails to meet Yoongi's eyes. "Shut up, Min."

Yoongi gets back to his work as Taehyung spaces out. Sooner or later, his leg starts bouncing up and down. His heel meets the polished wood in an obnoxiously loud manner. Yoongi looks up to see Taehyung's eyebrows knit together, a light frown plasters his lips.

"Go on."

"What?" Taehyung is brought back to reality.

Yoongi shoos him away. "Get out of here! I can see you're itching for a conversation."

Taehyung's eyes light up as he picks up his backpack and starts to leave.

"But," Taehyung turns around. "Promise me you're going to actually get to know him."

Taehyung nods enthusiastically and basically bolts out the door.

Yoongi smiles lightly and brings his attention back to his homework.


Hoseok is just gliding down the street, a rare skip in his step. Nothing makes him more excited than the library.

Hoseok has loved reading ever since he was a child. He couldn't listen to music, or hear anything playing on the television, so he settled for books. Hoseok also adores writing. He finds it to be a way of expressing himself in ways he can't with words out loud. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Writing doesn't involve hearing, and neither does reading.

Besides, books and pens are cheap. They're certainly less expensive than hearing aids.

Hoseok's mother died of rubella at a young age. She was only twenty-seven when she had Hoseok. His mother and father had gotten married three years before they had him. This means that Hoseok's father is now a single dad just trying to make enough to survive for his son. He works two jobs. He leaves the house early and gets back late. Not to mention living in Seoul is expensive! Hoseok's father doesn't like to talk about her much, but every time Hoseok brings home a new book, his father can't help but mention Hoseok's mother. Hoseok's father's face suffuses with light whenever he does speak of her. Another reason why Hoseok enjoys reading and writing.

The only thing running through Hoseok's head as he waltzes over to the library is "which book am I going to pick out today?" And it's his only worry as of right now.

Once he arrives, he smashes the door open, setting off the cute little bell quite aggressively.

Rubia looks up only to meet her favorite regular. She waves in Hoseok's direction as he runs past, only offering a small head nod. Hoseok is too excited to give greetings.

Hoseok trails over to the classic section. He's been in the mood for something of the sorts lately.

He runs his fingers over the spine of each book as he searches for the one he's looking for.

"Bradbury, Bradbury, Bradbury where are you?" He pouts in question.

He looks up toward the top of the shelf. "Of course." Hoseok sighs.

Being 5' 10 usually has it's advantages. Unless it's against a seven-foot-tall bookshelf.

Hoseok reaches up, arm begging for the book. He rises to his tiptoes only to be a few centimeters short.

Hoseok eventually lets out a huff of air and goes searching for a stool.

He ventures through a few aisles before his search is complete. He picks up the small step stool by its handles and makes his way back toward the 'Classics' aisle.

Once he's back, he finds a tall figure looming over the area he was meant to place the stool in.

His eyes wander to where the book he wanted was, only for it to be missing.

The tall figure glances over to meet Hoseok's eyes for a split second. Hoseok quickly averts his gaze and places the stool down to his right, away from the stranger. His eyes loom over each title aimlessly.

He stealthily peeps over to the strangers' hands and there it is! 'Fahrenheit 451' read on the front of the book.

"Shit." He curses in his head. He winces slightly, pained that he can't read the book he wanted.

"It's okay, I can settle." Hoseok nods and tries to comfort himself.

Hoseok picks up another book. 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee. He's read it several times. So many times he could probably recite the whole book by memory. His eyes have trouble processing every word. He just can't seem to focus.

He peers over at the stranger and evaluates him quickly.

He's tall, maybe 6'2, with a built figure. It's obvious he's an athlete. Hoseok then notices his outfit. He's wearing the same uniform. Hoseok notes that they attend the same school, identifying his tie color, blue. Same as his. They're both juniors. Hoseok tries to get a better look at his face, yearning to know whether or not he recognizes the other.

Apparently, Hoseok wasn't quick enough. As soon as he leans in closer, the other whips his head in Hoseok's direction.

Hoseok's heart skips a beat when he meets the other's coquettish smile.


A/N: Hello! Yes, their features are different in this story than they are in real life. If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes please inform me! I hope you're all well and staying healthy!

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