Arriving at Sabertooth

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Lucy's POV

"Her we are girls Sabertooth." Minerva says gesturing to the 3 stories tall guild hall. Wow and they have a lot of yard space and in the lawn is a huge evergreen. That's perfect for a Christmas tree. Anyway back to looking at the guild from what I heard they have a basement and a swimming pool. The guild hall looks so boring on the outside. Now I see way Sabertooth needs help with Christmas. It's less than three weeks till Christmas and not a single decoration is out. This is just sad. I guess Emma and I have are work cut out for us.

" Whoa. This place looks cool I can't wait to see the inside." Emma said amazed.

" While why don't we see the inside than." Minerva said chuckling. She gets ready to open the doors.

"Wait." She looks at me in confusion. "We are entering Fairy Tail fashion."

" That's a good way to make an entrance." Emma says while giving me The Look. ( refer to chap. 3 or chap 2 if your going by story chapters if you don't remember. )

"What's the Fairy Tail way of entering." Minerva ask in complete baffled tone.

" Oh you'll see soon." I replied with a evil little smirk. Me and Emma got ready to kick the guild doors in. " Ready. Set .Go! " I shout to Em.

Rouge's POV

I'm currently sitting at a table with Frosh and Lector. Both of them were playing Go Fish while that ate fish. Mean while Sting was helping Rufus to stop Orga from singing. They were trying everything: taking the mic, stealing his guitar, asking him not to sing, even trying to bribe him. All of those attempts failed. I look up on the second floor I see master leaning over the railing and looking at the door as if expecting something to happen. Hm I wonder what's going on.

I look up to see Sting, Rufus, and Orga sitting down. I bet they gave up and just broke his guitar. I take glance at the stage and I was right they broke it. " Hey guys do have a feeling that something big is going to happen soon." Asked Rufus. We just looked at him with blank expressions. " While I have it and have you guy not noticed that master is looking at the door as if he is waiting for something."

" Yeah I have seen that since Tuesday, but I wonder why." I said speaking up at last. I look at Master Jiemma once more before looking at the door I don't get what is going on. Then my question was answered. Both guild doors go flying off the hinges. Then I hear someone say.

" That Minerva is entering Fairy Tail style." Says a voice. Wait Minerva and Fairy Tail now I don't get it. I see master walking down the stairs heading to the enter way with no doors.

" It took you girls long enough to get here. I was worried that something happen to you." Jiemma boomed. Then in the door way I see two girls in front of Minerva. One was blonde the other was a brunette. The brunette was pretty and to tell the truth the prettiest girl I have ever seen. ( look at pic at top that has Emma on it outfit may change a bit and there is no bag. ) She was wearing black combat boots, a belt with crimson, black keys, and one purple key in a silver pouch. ( it looks like the one Lucy has. ) Attached to the other side of the belt was a dagger in a purple sheathe with a silver Fairy Tail symbol on it. Her eyes were blue and green. Her hair was in a pony tail and when she walked it would swish back and forth or up and down. Her guild mark was on her right hand and it was silver with black outline. I'm guessing she's a fairy considering the guild mark.

"Sorry about that Jiemma would have been here sooner, but Natus through a hiss fit, would not let's us get to the train station on time so we missed are train, and on top of that the next train came Lucy had to use her famous Lucy Kick on him just so we could bored the train. Plus the rest of the guild was no help whatsoever with Natus, but they did see us off. Oh and my brother said that he will be visiting 3 days before Christmas just to check on me and Lucy." The girl said.

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