Dang it! Im stuck with a sugar obsessed guy and a canibal. Screw my life

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Eithne's POV:

I'm currently hiding. Are you wondering why? Well...I don't want to be bugged by Tobi and I don't want Zetsu to eat me. I just need to be super quiet and they will never find m-

"Oh! I found her, Mr. Zetsu!" I heard Tobi say.

I yelped and bolted. I almost made my escape but...Zetsu caught me😭. He was holding my shirt collar and he was dragging me to Tobi.

"Got her before she ran off...again...for the 20th time in a row" Black Zetsu said, glaring at me.

I nervously grinned and put my hands in a surrender position. Tobi giggled...I don't know why but he sounds like a kid...oh wait, he is a kid.

"Next time, you should stop hiding in the same spot, Eithne-chan" Tobi said as he poked my nose.

I grew an embarrassed blush once I realized I had been hiding in the same spot,"Aw damn it"

"So are we going to start?" White Zetsu asked in his timid tone.

O.O I feel like Im about to be molested.

"Yeah! You ready to start training, Eithne?" Tobi asked.

Oh! I remember now!

"Yeah, of course" I said, flipping my hair.

"Didn't seem like that to me" Both sides of Zetsu said bluntly.

"Shut it!''

Tobi grinned...at least I think he did. I can't tell with that mask of his. But whatever I will try and be happy(=゚ω゚)ノ. Le derp.

"Why are you making a kissy face, Leslie-chan? You want a kiss?" Tobi asked in his childlike tone.

I blushed with embarrassement.

"NO!" I shouted.



"What's a derp face?"

"Tobi...this is a derp face (O3O). Le derp"

"😅I don't get it"

"That's why you are stupid"

"Mr. Zetsu! Why are you rude to me?"

"Because I can"

"Good one Zetsu"

"Your agreeing with him, Eithne-chan?!"

"Yeah why not. I mean you are annoying"

"😭I'm so alone!"

"Then go to the playground in the park"

"Really, Eithne-chan?!"

"No. Dang your so childish"

"I'm not!"

"Yet your in the form of a 13 year old. So I'm older! HA!"

"Mr. Zetsu she's being mean!"

"...I don't care"

"Does no one like Tobi?!"

"Well, if Tobi doesn't stop speaking in 3rd person than he will be greeted with a fist to the face"

"Eithne-chan your a meanie!"

"I don't care!"

We just continued bickering. I heard an explosion and realized that was were Evi, Hidan, and Kakazu were. I continued bickering with Tobi and Zetsu because I knew Evi had created the explosion. I heard cries of pain coming from were Mya, Konan, and Pein were at. I sweatdropped once I realized Mya was probably getting beaten up but that's what makes someone tougher. Tobi and Zetsu continued bickering and I ran off. Hey, I wanna survive.

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