01 coffeehouse

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​Evelyn clenched her fist as she grabbed the handle of the door leading to her favorite café, with her hand gently placed on the silver handle she paused. She pondered on the faint feeling of anxiousness settled deep in her stomach as she searched her mind for a possible answer, "do I have an assignment due today that I forgot about? Maybe a phone call I missed?" With a defeated sigh she entered the café, immediately her eyes were drawn to a man sitting towards the left corner of the café whose back was facing hers. Despite his placement, she let her eyes settle on the back of the man's head focusing on the color of the beret he wore. A dull shade of grey, she immediately knew its true color–brown, the one color she could never see. That dull shade of grey was a color she saw everyday as she stared at herself in the mirror. The dull color brought Evelyn back to her childhood as her mother explained the concept of soulmates, the sole cause of her vison deficiency. Every individual is born without the ability to perceive one color until they stare into the eyes of their destined partner, for Evelyn that color was brown. She vividly remembered her hands being placed on the ground as her mother explained the color brown, "the dirt you feel beneath your fingertips, the sensation you feel while being alone in nature–that's brown." After these thoughts clouded her brain, Evelyn noticed the loss of focus in her vision and quickly remembered where she was. She caught herself starring at the man for quite some time, she let out a breath of relief grateful he hadn't noticed her intense stare. She quickly tore her gaze away from his beret and made her way to the counter with a smile on her face as she was met with a familiar face.

"Adeline, how have you been?" The elderly woman behind the counter immediately perked up at the sound of Evelyn's voice.
Adeline responded with a smile, "hello Evie, it's nice to see you again, I've been good and let me guess the usual?"
"You know me too well" Evelyn said as she handed her the cash.
Adeline let out a laugh before responding, "well, you have been coming here since you were a child and your order hasn't changed since, I'll call you when it's ready."

​Evelyn nodded in response before heading to a table towards the back of the café. As she made her way to the table she caught another glance at the man in the beret, his face covered by the book he was reading. For some odd reason she felt drawn to him, his presence intrigued her, she quickly shook the thoughts away. After taking a seat, she pulled out her sketch book and began to draw the café's interior design while she waited for her drink. Similar to the man's beret the café was dominated by different shades of grey, even the drinks she ordered were grey. Although the café seemed devoid of color Evelyn loved Coffeehouse, the fresh scent of grinded coffee beans and the calm omnipresent atmosphere gave her insight into the color brown; she longed for any experience that brought her a vague sensation of the color. Her desire to perceive the color brown was heavily intertwined with her desire to meet her soulmate. Evelyn's heart swelled at the idea of meeting her soulmate, she often daydreamed about the encounter and how things would play out. Evelyn let out a content sigh as she thought about experiencing life with a partner, someone she'd have a strong emotional connection with. Adeline's voice pulled Evelyn out of her thoughts, "I have a hot chocolate and a caramel macchiato."

​As Evelyn made her way to the counter to grab her drink she noticed the man with the grey beret also approaching the counter, although she desired to stare at his face and capture every defined feature she tore her gaze away; Evelyn paused for a second astonished by the desire she felt to be near him. After reaching the counter Evelyn reached out to grab her drink while the man simultaneously reached for his. Unaware of their proximity, their arms bumped into each other. Evelyn immediately looked up to apologize but the moment she caught his gaze she no longer could speak. As she stared into his eyes the café, once devoid of any color, began to shine; it was as if droplets of colored ink began to fall on a sketched canvas, providing the originally blank canvas with brilliant shades of brown. She focused on the color of his eyes–a deep earthy brown– a color to match the sensation she felt as a child while clutching the dirt. It was a color she could easily find herself getting lost in, similar to the layers of the earth she knew those eyes held secrets–secrets she longed to discover.
His voice–velvety and smooth–guided her out of her daze, "it's nice to finally meet you."

Still in a daze Evelyn struggled to find her voice but eventually responded, her voice barely above a whisper, "hi, I'm Evelyn."

​No longer harboring any shame Evelyn studied out the details of his face, his hair was dark brown and almost covered his eyes, she noticed a slight curl in his hair; he was a dark-haired and sloe-eyed beauty. His eyes never failed to intrigue her, moving past his richly colored eyes she noticed one of his eyes was monolid while the other was double-lid both accompanied by long eyelashes. After marking his differing eyelids, she noticed his golden tan skin and wondered if he also saw grey while looking at himself. After this realization she let out a gasp and immediately raised her arms, she starred fondly at her dark brown skin.

"This is the first time I've seen the color of my skin" she explained while looking back at the man, she assumed he was confused by her actions.
"It's beautiful" he muttered, Evelyn couldn't fight the smile that graced her lips.
"So beret man, what's your name?" Evelyn asked while noting the true color of his beret, a creamy shade of light brown.
"I'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" He said with a smile that brought butterflies to Evelyn's stomach.

​Soon after their initial encounter, the pair found themselves at a park sitting in a silence ruled by ease and comfortability. As the two sat Evelyn often glanced his way, shyly starring at his side profile in an awestruck silence. However, the moment he returned her gaze she immediately stared at the ground–suddenly infatuated with the dew on the grass left from the morning fog. The moment their eyes connected Evelyn felt a tingling sensation sweep over her body causing her to clench her fingers together, attempting the suppress the overwhelming sensations dominating her being. Despite her dark completion hiding the heat she felt rising in her cheeks, she was well aware of the impact he had on her. Taehyung felt the heat of her gaze and struggled to deny the desire to lose himself in her eyes, those brown eyes brought to life by the sun; her eyes allowed him to reminisce pools of honey. As his self-denial disappeared into oblivion he turned his head meeting her gaze, Evelyn sheepishly turned away causing Taehyung to chuckle in amusement. Although she enticed his light of sight he turned his gaze to the clear blue skies above him, in awe of the woman beside him. He pondered on his cynical attitude towards soulmates, while others brimmed with delight while fantasizing about their destined mate he often sat in silence denouncing the concept. However, the moment his eyes met hers, every–seemingly–air-tight argument he prepared throughout his life belting the concept of soulmates suddenly dissolved into nothingness.

"You know," He began, while temporarily getting lost in the clear blue skies, "I've always found the idea of soulmates ridiculous." Evelyn immediately turned his way in shock, carefully eyeing him while his attention remained elsewhere.
"Why?" she asked.
"My mother's soulmate left her." He responded, no longer staring at the sky.
"That's unth–" Evelyn started.
"Unthinkable, I know." He said, now focusing on Evelyn. "The moment my father left, I struggled to believe in soulmates and grew cynical."
At a loss for words, Evelyn could only muster a faint, "oh." Evelyn shoulders slumped as she struggled to fight the weight growing in her chest with every word he spoke.
"But the moment I saw you I suddenly didn't feel cynical anymore," Evelyn's eyes widened as he spoke, "I guess fate has a funny way of working" he mused.
Unsure of what to say Evelyn paused for a few moments before speaking, "are you willing to give this a try?" she asked while pointing between them. With each word she spoke her heartbeat began to quicken followed by an increase of sweat in her palms as she feared for the worst. Taken aback by her question, Taehyung immediately realized the implications of his revelation. He quickly turned his body towards her firmly grabbing both her hands while staring intently into her golden-brown eyes.
"I didn't mean to share that story to drive you away, I just wanted to be vulnerable with you. I really do want to give us a chance" he rambled, worried he lost her. He continued to ramble while Evelyn sat still, eventually she let out heartful laugh immediately silencing his rambling.
"As long as you're willing to try I'm happy and thank you for being vulnerable with me," she responded with a fond smile. The rose tint in his cheeks grew to a dark shade of red when he noticed his hands still remained on top of hers.
"So," he began as he removed his hands from hers, "tell me about yourself."
Evelyn hummed to herself before asking, "what do you want to know?"

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