As the day progressed, I lost count of all the times I passed by Jesse and Lauren. The way they acted as if they'd been together for the longest time instead of just a few hours made my stomach heave in revulsion. It was sickening to watch, especially knowing that if things continued to go Jesse's way, she'd be tossed aside by the morning.
Just the thought had me wanting to attack him with a frying pan.
When seventh period rolled around, I dressed out for P.E. and followed the group of girls leaving the locker room to the field out in the back of the school. We strayed to the right once we were outside, finding our place on the soccer field. The boys' class were running on the track today and quite slowly at that when I saw that the cheerleading team was practicing in the center of the football field they were running around.
That gave me enough incentive to roll my eyes.
I wasn't really one to whine, but it wasn't like the coaches for the girls' side of the class went out of their way to let us run on the track while the football players were shirtless and sweaty while they did pushups on the green grass on the field. I wouldn't send in a request, but I would be very grateful if it happened.
As I continued watching though, my eyes eventually fell on Jesse, and I couldn't help letting out another eye roll when I saw he was acting big shot as always. He was in the midst of a large crowd of guys, capturing the attention of about 99% of the cheerleaders.
And again, the frying pan...
Luckily for me, he most likely didn't even realize I had this class also. It was inevitable seeing as how both of our classes were separate from one another, but I still felt relieved that he didn't know I was here nonetheless.
Turning back to my own class, I watched as the coach explained what we were going to be doing for today with a tired look on her face. She merely told us to find a partner and practice our kicking with the soccer balls she brought out before turning around and plopping herself down in a chair under the shade of the school's awnings.
The whole class stared after her in silence.
That was the downside of being in my seventh period P.E. class. Everyone was from different grades and didn't know each other, so when the coach said "partner up" the class took it as "let's stare at each other awkwardly until someone breaks the tension."
When all of the freshmen in the class paired up and disappeared to practice, I took it upon myself to break away from the uncomfortable glances I was receiving from the sophomores and juniors of the class by picking up a soccer ball and walking away, not really caring if anyone joined me or not.
Much to my fortune though, someone did.
She didn't look athletic at first glance with her thin arms and legs, but after kicking the ball back and forth without any form of communication aside from an occasional grunt as we kicked, she proved to be more superior than me when it came to handling a soccer ball. So much so, that my lack of skills eventually annoyed her.
She started kicking the ball harder, making it fly back so far behind me that it took me about five minutes just to walk over to get it and five minutes to walk back. Only once did it almost hit my head, and I was more than sure it was on purpose.
Growing annoyed, I set my feet and eyed the girl, adjusting my footing so that I could kick the ball right in between her eyes.
Just as I was about kick it though, I snuck another look across the field, and then froze in disbelief.

Jesse's Girl
Roman pour AdolescentsWhile trying to get through high school, Carson has always noticed the same routine with Jesse - the school's 'player', as some like to say. He would leave countless girls crying, and he'd find someone else soon after. But when that someone else is...