Chapter 31

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                I felt like a Barbie doll, there wasn't really any other way to describe it. My hair was set in a way I never would have willingly put it, my clothes weren't even from my closet, and Kale was making me do weird things with how I was talking and moving.

                On Saturday he'd dedicated the entire day to my new makeover. And on Sunday, was my lesson on 'Becoming an Irresistible Badass: 101'. It turned out I already knew most of what was being said – the fake kisses, the standing my ground, and the playing hard to get.

                The only thing I needed to work on was keeping my cool, because lately, I had a hard time controlling myself whenever I heard the name—

                "—Jesse. Okay? You have to act like nothing happened."

                I rubbed my hands together, annoyed to find that they were getting sweaty. "I get it Kale, just let me go. The sooner we get over this, the better."

                "Hey," he said. I earned a frown when I inclined my head backwards when he reached for my chin. "Don't let him get to you."

                "Too late," I muttered, pushing passed his tall frame. I didn't get far when I felt his hand on my elbow. I turned back to him, shooting him a look that instantly made him release his hold.

                "If everything doesn't turn out the way it should still have me, Carson."

                Oh, the joy.

                He'd given me that same line the one time I told him I never really liked Jesse that much to begin with. And of course, he'd responded with, 'You liked him enough to get hurt'.

                I nodded once at him and walked off without a response. Afterwards, with a peculiar hint of déjà-vu, I turned back around and made my way to where Jesse's locker was, knowing damn well Kale neglected to tell me what to say when I saw him.

                What could I say?

                Hey, so I'm going to be acting like I always do, but this time around I'm going to give into you, but have this master plan set up behind your back with a guy who hates you. But don't fret it, I'll hate you the whole time while I'm pretending to like you. It'll work out for the both of us, you'll see.


                "Not again." I stopped at the sound of the voice, turning around slowly to see it's owner. "We've been over this, Carson."

                If there was a record timing for how fast someone could get nervous, I was pretty sure I just broke it. At the sight of him, goose bumps ran across my skin, my body started to shake slightly, and my eyes actually got watery.

                And he was fine. Standing there with his blue eyes scanning over me, his arms crossed across his chest, and his hair disheveled by the hands of the raging winds outside. And the way he looked, so normal – as if nothing happened – brought me out of my sorry state, and gave me enough courage to raise my head and raise a hand to my hip while the other dangled limply to my side.

                "We have," I answered. "But...I don't know, I kind of liked how I looked in a way. I'm still the same person, just upgraded clothes."

                "Oh," he let out. Then something sparked in his eyes and he started making his way towards where I was standing. I jumped out of his way, scared of what I might do to him if he dared touch me.

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