Love or hate?:Chapter 1

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You woke up by your mom shouting at you,"Wake up?!" you jerked up and look around,"Wat!what happened?!"you said.

"Something has happened."your mom said and pulled the blanket away from you while you try to sleep back."Wat...."you said and curled up,"YOU ARE LATE FOR SCHOOL?!"your mom shouted and pulled you up.

"GOD! I hate school mom! Even if i'm late the school don't give a shit about it."you said and stratching you hair and yawned while standing up holding to your favourite doll.

"Come on,Hurry up!Breakfast is ready."your mom said while pushing you to the bathroom,when you was in the bathroom,your mom said to you,

"It your first day of school so better don't cause any trouble."while walking out your room.You sighed and throw your doll back to the bed and do your things.

You stand at the full size mirror and adjust your uniform,you was wearing a long sleeve shirt next is your hoodie and then your school uni-jacket and a skirt.

You grab your MCM purple bag and walk out of your room.When you walk down the stairs,you smell a very nice flavour of egg and toasts,"Morning Mom."you said and yawn while covering your mouth with your right hand.

"God,can't you be any faster?It already 6.50am."She said while looking at the clock and then look at you.You just shurgged and said,"Mom,School start at 7.15 not 7.00."you said ans sit down the chairs.

"Than faster eat your breakfast.and what are you wearing?"your mom said and point to your attire,"What?Got problem?"you said and eat your toast,"Yes,It a boy style,you're a girl not a boy,take out your hoodie."she said and look at you.

"No.It's my style so wat at least i'm wearing a skirt,if you wan i can wear the school jeans."you said and eat the last piece of your toast.

" 'sigh' nvm,i prepare your Bento already."she said and shake her head while handing to you the Bento,you stand up and take the Bento,"Bye mom."you said and walk to the door and wear your stockings and shoes tat school gave.

"Bye,don't cause any trouble."she said and stand by the door while you walk out the door,you wave a bye and walk to school.

You pulled out your headphones and bluetooth to your phone while you put the headphone on,you on the song and walk down the streets.

When you reach school,you saw lots of student stand by the gate like waiting for a prince to walk in.You just ignore and continue walking in the school,when you reach school,you heard a slight shouted from the girl.

'Damn they are loud enough.'you murmmed and on the volume up.But you still can hear the shouted from behind,you was curious of why they are shouting so you turn behind,you saw Six handsome boys walk in the school.

When you was looking at them with an uninterested face,they saw you and smile to you but you just rolled yours eye and walk off while stuffing your hand in the pockets.

They look at you with shocked,"hey,hyung she not interested in us."a guy whisper to another guy,"Don't care her."he said back and continue walking.

You stand infront the counter where is located at the side of the entrance,the lady didn't notice you standing.You clear your throat and look at her while she look up at you.

"Oh,new students?"she ask nervously and you just nod,"Wat your name?"she ask again while pulling out a board filled with paper,"Haru,Lee Haru."you said.

"Haru...Wait!Wat?"she yelled and look staight up after you said your name,you just nod when you read her lips.

"You...You are the Cold Princess?!"she said and back away from you,"Can you hurry up and pass me the timeable and the class?"you glare at her,she nod repeatly and hurry to the board and search your paper.

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