Love or hate?:Sequel

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I know tat you all are curious of Haru ex-bf,so i decided to write about it.

Will she hate him more or leave him alone??


You and Bobby have been dating for three months and you are close to Bap now due to Bobby and Yongguk for settling their misunderstanding.You was sitting at your usual table with Bap and Bobby.

"Hey,do you know we have six member?"Yongguk say to the both of you,you two look at each other thn to Yongguk."But why do i see five?"you say and drink your bubble tea.(A/N,She love bubble tea especiallly Milk tea flavour just like me^^)

"Oh he has a weak body so he been away after you come to school."Daehyun say and eat his cheesecake.(A/N,Haru have learn all their names^^)"I see..."you say and nodding your head,Bobby just stare at you.

"Oh i heard tat he coming back hyung!"Zelo shouted and everyone look at him with wide eye including you."How do you know?"Youngjae ask him.

"He msg me this morning,he say he be back by tomorrow! I really wan to see Himchan-hyung!"he sqeual.

you frown your brows abit and thought,'Himchan....It sound familiar....'you look away,Bobby saw and whisper to you.

"Are you okay?Darling~"you snapped out of your thought and look at him while smiling saying you okay.

'Ring~....Ring~.....' all of you heard the school bell and begin to pack their own things,you thought again about the Himchan guy.

'How does he look like?Why do his name sound familiar...?'you thought while walking to class.

"Haru?"someone call but you didn't reply because you are lose of thought."DarLing?!"Someone shouted and you quckily snapped out of it and shout back,"Wat?!"you glare at the person and saw Bobby looking at you with worried all over his face.

"Sorry for shouting at you,i been calling you since just now,Are you really okay?"he say and touch your forehead.

you hold onto his hand and take away from your forehead,"I'm okay but......"you say and look down.

"But wat?"he say and look at you,"Tat Himchan make me curious..."you say and look at him,you two make an eye contact and you saw his eyes showing jealousiness.

"Are you cheating on me?"he say and narrowed his eye playfully,you hit his arm and blush,"Mowhhh,i not! My heart only belong to you...."you say and blushed harder,he laugh at you and kiss you lips.

Someone cough behind you,you pull away and look behind saw Zelo looking away."I already say right,if you wanna makeout do it after school not here"he say and open the class door while he walk towards his seat.

You two look at each other and laugh while walking to yours seat.Mr park have change the seat,Zelo sit behind you and Bobby sit beside you.

You lean on the table and sigh,he look at you and ask again while you answer the same.

After school

You and Bobby walk to your house hand in hand,he been making joke and you keep laughing at his jokes.

When you stop laugh you realise you already reach home.You bind your goodbye to Bobby and give him a kiss on the cheek.

You quckily rush into the house and blushed."Welcome home darling"your mom say while peeking through the dining table."I'm home"you say and walk towards the living room.

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