Love or hate?:Chapter 8

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You're on the way to still and you are still half asleep cause you have been study the subject tat you are weak on:English.

with the help of Bobby you manage to get it okay.You still have one more day to the English test.You reach school and all your fans are surrounding you,you ignore them and continue walking.

You felt abit dizzy and you can't balance yourself but a strong arm manage to hold on to you prevent you from falling down.

You look up and saw Bobby with a worried face,"Haru...are you okay?"he ask,you just smile weakly and reply him,"I'm fine."He get you up and he walk with you to class.

You open the door and walk to your seat where Mr park assign you to.

You sit down and rest your head on the table while closing your eye with a sigh'finally can sit down'finally can sit down'you smile,the door open and you open your eyes while looking up.

You saw Mr park walk in with the test paper in his hand,you take out your pencil case while listening to Mr park giving instrution to the class.

You look at Bobby who is infront in the second row(A/N,she is sitting in the first row middle)who is staring at you.

He give you a thmb up means 'Good luck' you smile to him and give him a thumbs up too,he just smile and look back to the front.

Mr park begin to pass out the paper and you get yours and pass back to the person sitting behind you.

"You have 1h30min for both Paper1 and Paper2,it's Start now"Mr park saw while watching his watch,everyone begin to write down the answer sheet.

You finish within 30mins,you put down your pen and rest your head while others was looking at you with Whoa-so-fast face.

You fall asleep right awat,Bobby who is also finish within 30min was looking at you through his corner of his eyes while chuckling softly.

You felt someone hitting your head,you open your eye and saw Mr park using test paper to hit your head to wake you up,you glare at him and he quckily look away you pass him the paper by hitting it on his face.

The paper slide down and show Mr park wide eyes,he clear his throat and walk away to carry on taking the other students paper.You look infront with a pissed face and people was looking down expect for one,Bobby.

After Mr park saw it lunch time,you stand up when Mr park was about to walk out.You walk to Mr park's back when he open the door,you walk beside him and banged him on the shoulder while you walk to the cafeteria.

You glare at him and look back to the front.When you reach to the cafeteria you heard someone calling you,you face to the person and saw Bobby waving to you at a table.

You smile and walk to him,you saw another person sitting infront of him.You saw Yuri flirting with Bobby,she glare at you when you walk to the table,you glare back and sit beside Bobby.

"Sorry~She keep on clinging on me and would not let me go"he whisper to you through your ear.You nod and whisper back,"Why she clinging on you?Isn't she Zelo's gf"he just shrugged.

You glare at her and say,"Why are you here?","I'm here because of Bobby-oppa"she say while sending him a wink and he just shivered."Aren''t you with Zelo?"you ask and put your chin on your palm.

"We broke up"she just simply say."You better fuck off,Oppa is mine"you say and lean on Bobby shoulder while you hook his arms.

He blush and look away,"I dont believe"she say and stand up while grab on his hand on the table.

He blush even more and look down,you glare at her,"I already say he is mine"you say and snatch his hand away."I dont believe"she continue saying she don't believe.

"I love Oppa more than anyone else and i known him more than you,you just wan him because he is popular"you say.

Bobby look at you with shock face,you look at him and realise tat you just say out your truth feeling.

You blush and look away,you was about to stand up but he grab you on the shoulder,"I also love you too Haru-yah"he say while cupping your face.

You look at him with wide eyes,"But i thought you say you love tat Spring"you say and grab on his both hands while taking away from you but he put hold on tight.

"Have you search for tat word?"he ask while you shake your head." 'sigh' Spring means Haru in Japan" he ask and looking at you.

You widen your eyes and tear are threaten to fall,he saw he quckily grab your wrist and walk away and left yuri who is in a shock.

He pull you up to the rooftop and hug you,"I thought u love others!"you cried out against his chest.

"There is no way i love other expect you,i fall in love with you the moment we first met."he say and shroke you hair softly."Nado saranghae...."you say and blush.

You look up and saw him leaning in,you lean in too and next your lips touch his.

The End~


Hi~~This is the end of this sotry,thank you for subscribing this story!!!

Sorry if the ending is lousy.

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