Love or hate?:Chapter 3

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You woke up and sit up while yawning,'Wish Bobby-oppa attend my school!"you said in mind while chuckle,"Haru!!!!WAKE UP!! IT ALREADY 7 AND YOU STILL SLEEPING."your mom shouted and you shout back.

"I already wake up!"you get up and walk to the walk downstair and grab your bento on the table,"I go now bye."you said while you were at the door wearing your stocking and shoe.

"Bye,dont kill people."your mom said when you bout to close the door.You look at your phone,'It 7.10'you murmmed,so you decided to take you own sweet time walking to school.

When you reach school the guards ask why you late,you said you wake up late.They let you in and you walk to the counter to take your late slips,you stand infront of the lady and she look up,she quckily stand up and bow to you.

you ask her where your late slip and she quckily write down on the late slip and hand to you,you just take and walk off.

When you walking to your class,you saw someone with an similar hair,'it look like bobby-oppa hair.' ,'there is no way he attend this school.'you thought and continue walking from the other direction.

"Hi my name is B......"the person was ging to introduce him/her self but you cut in by opening the door and walk in.

"Oh Haru!"someone call out and you look up,You immediatly grin and run to the person and jumpped on him while hugging,"Bobby-oppa!"you shouted happily and he turn you around.

"Why are you here?Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"you boomed him lots of question while he laughed and ruffled your hair,you pout and hug him more tightly.

"I said before right,'you will know soon',hahaha."he said and let go of you,you just smile to him sweetly.

"Oh Mr Bobby please continue your introduce."Mr Park said you just stand beside him while looking at him full of sparkle.

"Oh my name is Bobby as you heard. please be nice."he said and smile while everyone back away to the back of the class,"You!You are the former Legendary Guy before her!"someone said and he tilted his head and said eh.

"Ya so wat?"you said and glare at them,They become chaos and Bobby just smile,"Oh come on don't be so work up,he quit it for long ago."you said and hug Bobby while Zelo look at you two with jealousy.

Everyone become silence and sit back to their seat."Mr Bobby,please sit behind Miss haru."Mr park said and you two walk to your seat,"Come on Haru,let go of me now."hesaid and ruffle your hair again.You let go and sit at your seat.

"Nae,Nae Bobby-oppa you haven answer my question,Why are you here?"you ask again while looking back to him and blink cutely.

"Of cos,i here to protect those innocence people tat you would kill."he teased and you look at him pouting,"They really pissed me off wat."you said and face back to the front and croosed your arms.

"Oh come on,Don't angry my little princess."he said and hug you from behind.You immediatly smile and laugh but someone cut in.

"Hey..this is at class pls,you wanna makeout do it after school."Zelo said and look at the two of you with disgust,"So?It not your problem,Why don't you called your hyung here?"you said and laugh evilly.

He was about to argue back,the speaker said,"Miss Lee haru,Lee Haru come to the principal office now."it said and off." 'sigh' Oppa wait for me to be back."you siad while he let go of you and you stand up.

You open the door and saw two adults and a bandage girl around her head."wat do you wan?"you ask the principal when you stand infront of his desks.

"Look wat have you done,Haru."he point to the girl and you saw Yuri,"Wat i already warned her but she didn't listen so this is wat she get for slapping me."you said and glare at her.

"You sure have guts to hit my Daughter,you little bitch."the man said and you look at him,your face immediatly draken when you saw his face,"Why are you her?"you ask and look at him with hatred in your face.

"Father."you said and bang the table,"Oh,Haru it you.."he said nervously,"Of cos it me,have you forgetten wat i said when i kick you out of the house?"you glare at him.

He just stood there,"How dare you betrayed Mom and go with this Slut?!"you shouted at him and point to the women.The 'Slut' look at you with disbelieve.

"Should i make you remember wat i say and wat i do?"you said and step forward.

"I Said before,'Dont let me see you again' didn't i?"you said.

You was about to raised your fist and hit him but someone open the door,you look at the person you saw Bobby,"Go away,Oppa i gonna kill this man here!"you shouted and rushed to him and he hug you to prevent you to run.

"No,Haru relax i'm here."he said and you soften abit,but you didn't give in,"He betrayed Mom and hit her!"you shouted and struggling out of his hand."Don't think i will forgive you for wat you did to Mom!"you shouted and your knuckles become white.

"Bobby,bring her out now."the principal said and he drag you out,"Don't Let me SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN OR ELSE I GONNA KILL YOU TILL NO ONE CAN RECONGIZE YOU!"You shouted and Bobby close the door.

You was shivering hard and Bobby hug you and calm you down.Your tears are threatening to fall,you cry on Bobby shoulder and hug him.

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