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I just copy pasted what I posted on Amino, I ranted there in a blog because.. I need three blogs for cabin counsellor-

So, seeing a lot of people hating on Jason, and being a number 1 Jason Grace fan, and needing 3 blogs for cabin counsellor-- I decided to upload a small rant on Jason and why he's loveable 🥺

Also, if you don't know me on wattpad, I offer LJEC, Love Jason Educational Classes, for y'all!

Okay, let's talk about young Jason first. He's been through a WHOLE lot of stuff. Like, firstly, a neglectful mother and only Thalia to take care of him? That's tough. Of course, he was a baby, but that doesn't mean it doesn't affect one's health from a young age.

At two years old, he was given to Lupa. The literal wolf goddess or something. And wolves? Harsh. They're not like humans and they don't have the same emotions. Tough life for Jason from the very start. Trained by Lupa and her wolves from SUCH. A. YOUNG. AGE. Ahh I love him.

Okay, then given to Camp Jupiter. (Can we talk about how this boy is being tossed around-) he's so awesome he literally just chooses the Cohort (is that what it's called? I don't know much about Rome) that's most defamed, in hope to bring glory to it. Being the son of Jupiter, he could have had the best, but nope. He goes for the worst in hopes to make it better.

Okay, he has gone on his own quests hdjdbdn understand that please, people, he doesn't just exist to be 'a Percy ripoff' he is so SO much more than that. He faced his own adventures! He has NOT had an easy life!

And then, praetorship. He became praetor (along our super perfect queen reyna) and he had to put a whole camp and New Rome's needs and EVERYTHING above his own. No time for himself, none of that, he has to consider the whole population and choose according to that. In that, he had to become rock hard. No slipping his own feelings.

Then, Camp Half-Blood. That's where he gradually started learning more about himself as a person. Let loose a bit, enjoyed life properly. Boom, Argo II time. Another big quest. When Percabeth was in Tartarus, Jason, just learning to love life properly, had to step up in Annabeth's absence and lead them. Again, now he had no time for himself.


Okay.... TBM.. The book that broke my heart in a billion pieces.

Jason started living life like a normal teenage boy. Going to school or whatever, and being normal. Then whatever the Oracle said, breaking his heart in a million pieces.

Oh, let's not forget him and Piper breaking up. He lost the first two friends he could be himself with- Leo, who hadn't returned, and Piper, who broke up with him (understandable reasons, though)

Alright, then Apollo comes. Piper is helping him with the whole boat thing, so of course Jason comes along, with the hopes that HE'LL be the one to die, anything to save the others. Again, he's putting everyone above himself.

Okay, I'm in tears now lemme get ice cream. Also I'm watching the 1D 4K WWAT video and crying because they're playing Little Things now.

So, Jason explodes the thingies he and Meg are trapped in. He goes on to battle Caligula, knowing he won't come out alive, but hoping to distract them so Piper, Meg and Apollo/Lester could get out. He kept fighting, arrows in every limb, for them. I AM NOT OKAY I AM SOBBING.

When he died *sob sob* he felt reassured that Piper would still be alive then. He had a peaceful expression on his face. He also told Tempest to get them out and save them while having Caligula's spear in his back 🥺

That's all, I love him from the bottom of my heart. Don't call him a Percy rip off, or compare him to Percy. They both are different people.

Love y'all, stay safe, stay inside, wear your masks and take steam regularly (it really helps!)

Y'all can debate in the comments! Just be respectful, we all have different opinions!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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