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"I met him Troy.  My mate!" Troy's face darkened as he heard Mona's words, he gripped the glass tighter it almost cracked.
"Your mate?!?" surprise and disbelief are intermixed in Troy and her Dad's unison of a reply.  Her father just came in,  a brown paper bag in his arms.
"Dad,  glad you're here." Mona said as she reached for her father.
"I dont know what to do,  I cant think clearly. My heart beats like crazy!! I'm nervous!!" she speaks with so much anxiety.
"Calm down,Honey...I know exactly what you need to do." Bill calmy said. Mona on the other hand was pacing back and forth,  stressed out.
"What should I do Dad? Tell me?"
"What??" Mona asked in a rather high tone.
"You need a bath" Bill said a matter of factly,  he took a bottle of bath essence out in his paper bag and gives it to Mona.  She just looks at it in utter disbelief. 
"You see? Rose and chamomile, very relaxing..." Bill held the product as if promoting it.
"Your kidding?"
"No I am dead-serious, Honey.  Now,  off to your bath."
"Yeah,  right."Mona said sarcastically and rolled her eyes,  in this dire situation,  his father is not taking her dilemma seriously. She grabbed the bottle and run quickly to her room.
"Thank me later, Hon!" he laughed.  "Oh, Troy,  is that for me?" Bill asked pointing to the glass of water in Troy's hand. "Thank you.  I'm kind of thirsty." Bill took the glass, drank its contents and put it back to Troy's unmoving hand. Bill whistles a tune as he went to his room, obviously in good spirits.

"What's wrong with you, Henry?" Paula asks her brother, who at the moment, was staring fixedly on the tv screen but obviously his mind is somewhere.  They are in the sala,  watching "Guardians of the Galaxy". He ignored her.
"Earth to Henry!" Paula said louder and waved her hand in front of him. He blinked,  as if awaken from some obscure dream. 
"What did you say?" immediately asked Paula,  the latter laughed hysterically.
"Oh, dude.  Your spacing out!! Don't  tell me one of your pranks went wrong? Or maybe, Alejandra dumped you! Ha-ha!!" she replied, teasing him, Alejandra is the girl he's dating as of the moment.
Henry shook his head.
"You bet." he said sighing.
"Really?  Did she dumped you? You-know- Henry Madison - the number one player in town has been dumped?! UNBELIEVABLE!!" Paula said in her nitpicky tone.
"Shut up,  Paula!" he yelled,  glaring at her.  Paula just made face to him. 
"Nobody dumps Henry Madison, remember?" he said irritably.
"Well,  if that is so,  what's the matter?  You don't  seem to be yourself." she continued, placing popcorns on her pink lips.
"I found my mate,  Paula."
"You did?!" suddenly Paula's eyes widen,  excitement on her face. "That is great news Henry,  who is she?"
Henry shook his head, then run his fingers on his hair before replying silently.  "Mona."
"Who??" Paula said in a surprised tone.
"Mona." this time louder.
"What?!? Mona as in Mona-the-freak?" she was aghast
"As in Mona Mayfield." he added. Shock was all over Paula's face, Henry bets that even Da Vinci will not be able to paint it.

Mona was sitting alone in her swing set in their yard. Thinking what will happen next. She felt the bond and the intense attraction that comes with it but her wolf is silent. Where did she go?

"Hey, are you there?"  she asks the wolf within her.
"Why don't  you talk to me?"  she asks more
"What do you want?" it replied irritably
"Why are you acting like that?" she replied sharply on her wolf's attitude.
"Like what?" it said
"Like you were not happy with finding our mate?"
"It is just a nuisance!" it snapped
"What made you say that?"
"Just don't set your hopes up." and then the voice is gone.

"I see it is troubling you." Troy came to where she was,  holding a pack of cookies.  She was in their rose garden,  swinging in her old swing set. Feeling foolish and frustrated as her wolf ignored her.  He sat to the swing next to hers. 
"Who wouldn't  be?" she's still irritated.
"Woah.  What's with that stingy attitude?  Perhaps a cookie may help." he said as he offered her the cookies.
"Sorry,  my bad. My wolf really has a bad attitude."
"She seem not to like our mate. Is it possible that your wolf wouldn't like the mate the moon goddess has given you?"
"I don't know. No one can resist the mate bond they said. " he said
"Hmmn.  Say,  have you ever found your mate?" Mona asks as she looks in his eyes.  He looks away. 
"Why not?"
"Because I am imprinted to you." he answered cooly
"Imprinted wolves has one purpose alone.  That is to serve and protect our master. They can't  have a mate." he looks intently in Mona's eyes. She breaks from his gaze.
"That sounds bad Troy, but how many times will I tell you I'm not your master, Okay?  And I don't want you to protect me.  I can handle myself just fine." she said stubbornly.
"But you can't stop me from doing this. It's my purpose." he said in a very serious tone, Mona can feel the intensity in his gaze.
"All right then. Do as you wish. Anyway, I've been meaning to ask you this.  Is it okay?" she asks to change the topic, he nods.
"How did you end up with the rogues?"
He breathes deeply before answering her.
"When I was twelve,  I had a very uncontrollable wolf.  He was vicious and dangerous and I can't  control him.  He attacked my family and killed them. All of them.  My pack banished me."
Mona was surprised with Troy's tale.

"The rogues took me in and I become a part of their gang.  Raiding villages,  accepting dirty jobs,  assasinating persons and all sorts were just few of our jobs. Until I met you..." he looked intently in her eyes again.
"Yeah,  right." she forced a smile to him.

"Mona,  you have a guest." Her father emerged from the door, cutting their conversation. She looked up to him and behind her father's back came Henry. Troy looks viciously at him and the other man to him.  Her heart pounds crazily again. 
"I want to talk to you. ALONE. " his voice commanding, his stares wild to Troy.  She looks at Troy and nods to him,  mouthing it's okay.
"I'll be here if you need me." Troy hissed on her ear as Henry walks directly to her.  Troy leaves them alone.

"Hi." he greets her casually.  Her wolf turned to him but it grunts back to sleep.
""Hi?" she greets back. "What do you need?"
"You." he cleared his throat.  Mona's heart seems to break out from her chest.
"I know,  this is confusing. But we cannot do against the bond.  It calls me to you." his voice sounds sexy to her. His deep blue eyes is so magnetic and his scent is totally intoxicating.
"I feel it too." she said softly, inhaling.

Henry inhales Mona's scent.  He looks into her bright mismatched eyes and it seems that his future is clear. Her platinum blonde hair glinting in the moonlight, he dreads to touch it. And her voice is just all it takes for him to give in. He closed his eyes to contain himself.
"But I can't have you as my mate." he speaks with so much difficulty. She feels that it is not easy for him to say it. But her tears automatically fell.
"What do you mean? Wh--Why?"
"Because..." he paused and looked up the moon.  Drawing more courage.
"Because I am a freak? My looks? My drawbacks??"
"No. Not about that.  It's more about me. I am a mess Mona,  a jerk! It's unfair to someone as pure as you." Mona is crying now.
"I know,  I understand. I have prepared myself for this,  you know.  I actually have seen this coming." she draw a heavy breath.
"But on the other side of that, I still hoped that this "mate-thing" will turn out good, that he will accept me for who and what I am. But we cannot force anyone to accept us,  right? Especially for a girl who has been dubbed as a rat and a freak all her life.  Maybe it disgusts you to know I am your mate." she said and wiped her tears angrily. "Sorry to disappoint you,  but yeah,  this is all you've got. " she retorted furiously.
"I'm sorry.  I told you, it has nothing to do with your social situation. And you don't disgust me.  You are beautiful. Irresistible. Strong. And I respect you. But I am not meant for you because-- " he exhaled. " I-- I actually have someone else." She looked up at him with accusing eyes.
"I've been loving her for a long time, now.  My heart beats just for her." he added sincerely.
"And who among the girls you've messed with are you talking about?"
"She's not one of them.  It's just a decoy. Me as a womanizer, so that no one will suspect. " he immediately answered. Suddenly, feeling defensive.
" Unbelievable! What if she's found her mate?  What will you do?  What if she choose her mate over you??"
"It won't  happen.  Because she has chosen me long before she met her mate.We made a promise."
Mona can't believe what she's hearing.  She have seen this coming but nothing compares to the pain she's feeling right now.  The actual heartbreak is not matched to what she thought it will feel like.
"That is why I came here to ask for your forgiveness to what I will do." he said with finality,  pain reflected in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Mona,  but I love her above anything else.  You deserve someone who will completely accept and love you." he has tears on his face now. She just looked up at him with pleading eyes. He took her hand and with closed eyes, he uttered
"I, Vince Henry Madison,  rejects you,  Mona Elara Mayfield,  as my mate."

Hearing this,  Mona heard a sound like glass breaking.Realizing it was her heart, completely shattered.

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