Your mom is lovely - Stephen

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The word spread around the school like wild fire. It was persistent and spoken in hushed whispers at first, but eventually it made every kid dread a single class. What could be so horrible that it makes every single kid want to tear their eyeballs out? Well, in this case: tear their legs off.. The pacer test.


I stood in gym class among the other students, which was an entire class made up of boys. The bleachers had been pushed in which meant that nobody could hide beneath, or behind them, and every boy in here had the same dreadful scowl on their face as the coach numbered us off into three groups. It was a big class. The only upside to this- actually there was no upside. At least that's something I could've said last year. This year however, Hosuh was in my class. At the start of the year I saw this as absolute hell, but after we- kinda grew together? I actually started to look forward to gym class. He was over with his group of friends, and I couldn't help but stare at him from the far side of the room. His hair was tied up into a high, messy pony-tail and he was wearing his gym uniform. That was kind of surprising, seeing as most students didn't wear one. I was one of the few who did.

Actually, it became a requirement this year that every grade had to wear a gym uniform during gym. If you were caught not wearing a uniform, then you would get a phone call home. First of all, the school just wanted money, because it wasn't a problem last year. Or this year for that matter, at least not until a few months into the year. And it wasn't like they handed you a gym uniform when you first got to the school (freshmen) either. Oh here's your schedule, here's the office, here's a uniform! Nope. Just a schedule. And what sucked, was you couldn't just ask for one. You had to pay for it, just so you didn't get a call home! Nobody wants to pay a $20 gym fee. Why were we even given a fee for having to tend a class that we were being forced  to take?!

But anyway, nobody actually listened to this rule. And nobody bought any gym uniforms. And the teacher could care less. I watched as Hosuh and the others lined up at the starting line, none of them bending down into a running position because it started off slowly, but that didn't stop the few that 'wanted to show off'. They were the first to leave the field.

More and more people were generally leaving the area and standing by the wall with us. Hosuh was one of the few remaining people who were still running. He was an athletics guy, probably good looking underneath that t-shirt of his. But I honestly didn't want to invade his privacy by thinking about that. I cast a glance off to the locker rooms. I was part of group two, so that meant when they finished up we would be forced to line up. Too bad I was absent today. I got up and made my way across the side lines to the locker room and stepped inside, quietly shutting the door behind me as I made my way inside. Dirty sneakers, cleats, sweaty footfall pads and gym equipment was the only way to describe the smell.

I made my way around the premises, expecting to find another hideaway inside, but there was nobody. They might've cleared everybody out before starting.. so I sat down in the back of the locker room on one of the benches by the back lockers. Also known as the lockers that weren't used, so no teachers would check back here. Or, that's what I thought. I heard the locker room door swing open and a loud booming voice from the entrance door swearing that somebody had walked into the locker room. I didn't answer and I pulled my knees up to my chest, tucking my sweatshirt over them and tucking my head into it.

I heard footsteps near the room I was in, but they passed by and searched the rest of the locker room for a moment. I heard them pass by the room but they seemed to be walking away from my location. I heard the door open back up and the footsteps were gone. I waited a moment, still. I didn't move and slowly, I let out the breath I had been holding in and slowly untucked my head from the sweatshirt. Though, arms wrapped around from behind me almost immediately and I let out a pained squeak of surprise, quickly turning to the side to see Hosuh. He had this broad smile on his face and soft eyes as he snuggled up behind me and gently rocked me back and forth.

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