Damn, I fucked up again - Hosuh

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"Well if I'd known that I wouldn't have gone out with mom to get myself a nice shirt." I hissed into the speaker of the phone, hearing Daniel sigh on the other line. "We're teenagers dude, we're not adults going to some fancy restaurant." He told me. I knew that but at the time I thought it would be nice to dress up but now I realize that I'd be overdressed and feel like everybody would be staring at me. "Just.. what am I going to do with it?" I asked him as I filed through my closet looking for something nice, but casual. "I don't know, picture day is coming up soon. So why don't you just wear it for that?"

I didn't reply and I heard Dan inhale in realization. "Right, you don't dress nicely during picture day to spite your dad- I forgot. Well you can always wear it on a nice date with Stephen. You.. like Stephen, right?" Daniel asked casually, and I looked over at the phone sitting on my desk. He was right, I did like Stephen. When we first spoke about it, I mentioned how I wanted to connect with him again and be friends.. but Daniel knew the truth. He always knows the truth.

I didn't reply. Chuckling echoed from the other line which soon became a soft laughter, but once I told Dan to 'shut up' he couldn't hold it back anymore and lost his shit. His laugh was loud, and it was honestly annoying me to no end but that was just because I was embarrassed. I looked at the leather jacket Stephen had made fun of me for and thought about it..

I smiled as I undressed and put on a cool-guy outfit with black ripped jeans and a V-neck shirt, with the jacket over top. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that I would do something cool with my hair, like parting it instead of slicking it back into a pony tail. I started doing that, but it just.. didn't look right. I tried again, but it still didn't look right. I thought about tying it back up into a pony tail, but I didn't want to do what I normally did either.

Eventually I just brushed out my hair and then I just let it hang over my shoulders. I'd look like a female if it wasn't for my chin and for the way my eyes were shaped. I took awhile just to stare at myself, and eventually I found myself blushing when Stephen came into my mind. He would playfully poke at me all night if I wore this for a date.

That would be really nice, a date with Stephen.. 

"Are you ready yet?" Dan asked over the mic, and I mumbled a small: "Yeah." There was silence on the other line. "Just bare with me here Hos." Daniel spoke as I kicked on my black sneakers and ran out the bedroom, jogging down the stairs to the kitchen. "Mhm." I replied, flining open the fridge door. I heard him sigh on the other end of the line. He knew I didn't want to be doing this. I grabbed a water bottle and drinking it's contents. "Whatever. I'll see you soon." And I hung up before he could reply. I looked around the house. My dad was out with his wife. Walking over to the sink, I took a glance outside. We had a nice, big backyard. 

It was much nicer than Stephen's. I looked out among the trees, only to see more trees on the side lines. I sighed. I wondered what my actual mom was doing right now.. or where she was for that matter. I glanced over at the chalkboard. There was a grocery list written on it, and a few other reminders. But what surprised me, was that there was a photo taped onto it. That was weird.. it wasn't there this morning. I walked over to it, hearing something crunch beneath my foot and I looked down. A fucking cookie.. if I didn't clean this up I was gonna get yelled out for it later even though it wasn't mine. But I really didn't feel like cleaning it up.. 

That doesn't mean that I didn't end up cleaning it up though. I took off my shoe and smacked it on the side of the trash can, just in case there was any residue or crumbs on the bottom of the sole. Leaning against the counter, I struggled to get my shoe on and then I continued my mission. To check the photo.

It was of me and my boyfriend. Well, friend. Boy. Boy who was a friend. Fuck it. It was a picture of Stephen and I. I looked it over. We were in my kitchen and he had an arm around my shoulder and I was hiding my face from the camera while he had a soft smile on his face and beautiful eyes. His skin looked so soft, and he seemed so happy. He was leaning towards me slightly and his teeth were showing. The only way to describe him was.. pretty. Sure, he was handsome too.. but the first word that came to mind was 'beauty'.

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