Ch7: The Murder

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18th February 1997
10 years. All I can say is wow. We've made it this far being like this. During the day, we're robots and during the night, we're your worst nightmare. We know we're monsters. The purple guy made us like this. It's all his fault and he knows it. He quit his job a couple of years ago, knowing that we would love it if he were dead. Wuss. Now Fred's daughter Bonnie works here overnight, the only time that we're 'free'.

"S-Stay right there!" the four of them heard a girl say behind them. They turned around to find the CEO's daughter holding a gun, aimed at them and trembling with fear but wearing a determined facial expression. The four of them looked at each other thinking 'how the hell do we explain this?!'. This was the first time someone, besides the purple guy, had seen them on 'free roaming mode'. Taking a step forward, Freddy tried to reason with her. "We're not going to hurt you..just put down the gun and we can work this out, dear" he said, trying to seem calm. "S-Stay back!" she gasped as she took a step away from them. "Christ, we're not the bad guys here. Just calm down and put the gun away, lass" Foxy groaned. "I-I will shoot you all!" She shrieked as she took a step forward. "Well I guess there is no other choice.." Freddy trailed off as his eyes darkened. "We were just trying to be nice.." Bonnie taunted as his darkened too. "And aren't you supposed to be in your office right now, Miss Adams?" Chica recalled with a creepy smile. "You broke the rules, Miss" Foxy had his hook hidden behind his back. "And that means we now have to break you".

"What makes you think I know how to do this, Fred?!" Chica panted as she dropped the body. "No idea" Freddy shrugged. Chica rolled her eyes in response. "Well it's almost 6am, we've got to do something!" Bonnie spoke up. "Wait, what time is it?" Foxy froze. "5:57" Bonnie replied. "Isn't that the time that this place opens?" Foxy asked, everyone paused. "Oh god" Freddy cursed as he ran his hands through his messed up hair. "What do we do?!" Chica cried. "Just hide the body! Somewhere! Anywhere!" Bonnie sweated. "What's wrong?" Freddy asked. "I think I can hear someone coming in" right, because he has bunny ears, he can practically hear everything. Freddy's eyes widened as he heard someone opening the front door. "J-Just quickly return to the stage!".

"Hello?! Yes! This is an emergency! My daughter has been murdered! Yes. Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Thank you so much. Get here quick please!" The CEO sobbed into the telephone. Freddy looked over at the Bonnie and Chica. Bonnie mouthed "Just don't move". Foxy was trembling since he was the one that had her blood on him. "Shit shit shit shit!" the CEO shouted as he walked into the main room holding his head in his hands. During the 40 minutes that it took the police and ambulance to get here, the CEO was sobbing and banging his head on the wall repeating things like "Its all my fault" and "She's gone". It was truly painful to watch. The animatronics realised something though, as soon as the clock hit 6am, they couldn't move their heads to look at each other or mouth things to each other anymore and Foxy was no longer trembling, he just looked motionless like the others.

Foxy's POV
"Th-Thank you so much, officers" that damn CEO was crying to the police as they walked in. His reaction made me think though, are my parents looking for me and Emma right now? Or have they just forgotten about us? Whatever, it's not like I want to go home, things aren't too good there. All I care about is getting out of here with my friends and finding Emma. My thoughts were interrupted by an officer staring at me. I could feel myself sweating. We've never done anything like this. Oh god, we must've left so much DNA all over the place, they'll find out instantl- oh wait, we're robots. I felt some relief but the officer was getting closer to me and scanning my whole body. Obviously on the outside I looked calm and emotionless, but inside I felt like I was going to scream. "Get over here" he called over some of the other officers. "Is it just me or does this animatronic have blood on him?" he queried, crossing his arms. "Yeah, and on his hook. There was a bit on one of their dress and we found a black bowtie next to your daughter's body". Freddy. "We're going to need to take the animatronics away for some tests and examinations. The killer could have tried to frame the animatronics in some kind of weird way".

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