Ch9: The Spell

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20th February 1997
"The pizzeria should be on this side of town.." Bonnie shrugged, looking down at the map that they stole from a shop the night before. "I am never sleeping outside ever again!" Chica ordered, still combing her hands through her hair, taking out the leaves and grass. "It was only for one night. We're almost there" Freddy told her, still eating flapjacks. "But what will happen when we get back? Will we just be back to our old robot selves? And not feel human anymore?" Bonnie mentioned, the others paused. "I-I don't know.." Freddy admitted. "Well, there's only one way to find out" Foxy mumbled as he pointed ahead. There, ahead of them, was the pizzeria.

"Is it just me or did it get really cold all of a sudden?" Bonnie trembled as they all walked inside. "This isn't the pizzeria..." Freddy thought aloud, confused, as he looked around. "B-But what is this place then?" Foxy asked. "This has to be the old pizzeria, where the bite of '83 happened'" Chica cautioned, stepping back. "Wait, do you think that the old animatronics are still here then?" Foxy recalled, looking around. "I guess. They could be dangerous though!" Bonnie urged, stepping next to Chica. "It's been almost 20 years since they were last used" Foxy reminded them as he pushed open the 'Parts and Services' room. "Guys! Get over here!" he exclaimed. The others came in, gasping. Inside that room was Fredbear and Springbonnie, motionless and broken of course. "That's really creepy" Bonnie admitted. "But what's even creepier is that behind them, it seems like there's a door" Freddy pointed out. "Come on then, let's get to work" Foxy ordered, picking up Springbonnie and moving him to the side. The others helped move Fredbear out of the way. Foxy took a deep breath and opened the old, wooden door. Creaking open, the four of them gasped.

"R-Ryan?!" Mangle looked up, afraid. "Oh my god..." Freddy spoke. It's almost as if Foxy couldn't move. He had just walked in on his sister, tied up in chains, half broken and it looked like she'd been starved. "E-Emma!" He cried, running up to her and hugging her. "You all finally found me...after all these years" she sobbed with a chuckle. "I-I'm so sorry, we couldn't-" Mangle interrupted her brother. "You couldn't leave the restaurant. I know, Terrence told me everything. He's the reason why you guys can move around whenever you want again. He's using his remaining powers to help us. How amazing is that?" she replied, smiling. "Th-That is amazing" Foxy smiled back. "I'm glad you think so" Terrence spoke behind them. "You're the Marionette?" Freddy questioned. "That's right. I'm just like you guys... he made me like this" the puppet responded. "The purple man.." Chica mumbled. "I'm sorry, come again?" Terrence frowned at her. "The man that made us like this. All we remember is that he was wearing a purple shirt, therefore we call him that" Bonnie replied, Terrence chuckled in response. "His name is William Afton. I'm Terrence Afton. My father is the cause of all of this. He ran away out of town years ago and I haven't been able to locate him since. However, I do know where your brother is, Fred" he smiled. "Y-You do?! How?" Freddy asked. "Before my father left, he put a voodoo spell around the restaurant, so that I couldn't enter and you couldn't leave. I was able to wear away some of that spell though, getting you all here" he explained "He also put a spell on your sister's chains here, but I think I'm now strong enough to break it" he lifted his arm up, shaking slightly as he panted. Instantly, the chains broke off. Mangle immediately jumped into her brothers arms. "Thank you so much- Are you okay?" Foxy asked Terrence. Black streaks were running down the puppets cheeks from his eyes and nose. "Y-Yes. I'm just not as powerful as I used to be so...this happens" he chuckled, wiping them away with his sleeve. "Why's that?" Bonnie asked. "Let's just say I gave my powers away to a more important person".

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