Ch8: The Lab

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19th February 1997
"Okay, just hold still. Oh right, you're a robot, you can't hear me" the scientist chuckled as he got out a cotton swab and was about to trace it over Freddy's hand. The animatronic took this as an opportunity to grab the old scientists hand and pull it back, grabbing a scalpel from his pocket and stabbing him hard.

Still shaking, Freddy frantically walked down the lab hallway. Seeing blood and dead people always terrified him and the others and well, everyone. His thoughts were stopped as he noticed a clock above his head on the wall. '3:00pm'. He was able to move and talk. What happened to the free roaming mode? Brushing it off like it was nothing, he barged into almost every testing room until he finally found his friends. "Fred!" Chica hugged him, relieved. "Guys, it's 3pm" he panted as he hugged her back. "W-Wait, how are we moving then?" Bonnie asked. "No idea, but I think I know where the exit is".

"GAH! That really hurt!" Bonnie yelped as he fell on to the ground from the 2nd floor window. "It's all Foxy's fault since he sounded the alarm" Freddy chuckled as helped Bonnie up. Over the years, hearing fans call them by their 'stage names' everyday made them start to call each other by those names. "Hey! I didn't know they had an alarm for the cafeteria! All I wanted was a donut!" Foxy complained as he straightened out his waistcoat. "I agree, all of a sudden I really want food and some water..." Chica trailed off, sounding concerned. "Whats wrong with that?" Freddy asked. "We've never been hungry before...or thirsty...and now we're able to move around whenever we want..." she explained. "She's right, why is this happening?" Bonnie questioned. "Guys, it's not really a bad thing though. Think about it, we're...kind of....human".

"Jeez, I forgot how annoying it was to have a growling stomach" Chica groaned as she clutched her stomach. "Same" Foxy mumbled. "Just hang in there guys, we still don't know where town is" Freddy sighed as he kept on walking next to Bonnie who was slightly panicking. "You okay there Bon? You've been really quiet" Foxy asked. "Sorry. It's just really...weird, nice, but weird being out here again for the first time in 10 years" he responded as he and the others stopped walking. "We get what you mean" Freddy smiled lightly as he put his hand on his best friends shoulder. Bonnie smiled weakly back. "Listen, what matters is that we're all here together, safe now. And out of that damn pizzeria" Chica commented with a chuckle as the others laughed. "You're right. Come on, let's keep going".

"I didn't know you were good at camping" Chica added as she sat in front of the camp fire. "Well, yeah. My grandfather taught Em and I these kind of things. Since my parents were away a lot of the time.." Foxy says as he finished, putting down the sticks. "We're sorry" Bonnie sympathised. "It's fine. And besides, I have you guys. You are my family" he replied, smiling brightly. "That's really sweet. I feel the same way" Chica said, followed by Bonnie and Freddy both saying "Us too". "Ughhh, sorry to break this loving moment but I feel like I could eat a house right now" Chica grumbled, grabbing her stomach in pain, the others laughed aloud. "We should be a lot closer to town" Bonnie chuckled. "But won't it seem weird if we just walked into the supermarkets? I mean, we are animatronics" Freddy mentioned. "The shops should be closed by now, mate" Foxy added, standing up and stretching. "You're saying that we should break in?" Bonnie frowned. "Either that or we starve to death".

"Christ, Chica!" Freddy jumped as the rock hit the window, causing it to shatter. "How else were we going to get inside?" Chica insisted, flicking her hair off her shoulders, walking inside. The three boys all looked at each other, confused but followed along. "I've been craving a sausage roll more than ever, they're the best thing ever besides pizza, they're so good" she babbled as she grabbed as many as she could from the bottom shelf. "I forgot how good food tasted" Foxy spoke, with his mouth full of crisps. "Mhm, same" Bonnie agreed, his voice muffled by eating sandwiches. "Hey guys?" Freddy began as he raised his half- eaten flapjack. "To feeling alive" he smiled. The others raised their food and cheered.

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