Satzu [Smelling a Comeback]

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AN: Ya'll still like Satzu?¿ here's a taste of em ~°♡°)/

Rock beats Paper
"Rock beats paper right?"

Narrator's POV

The gaze of the orange sun was lightly placed onto the girl's skin.

She looks at the clock with that plain look that has been plastered on her face a million times.

The latter stands up and stretches her arms standing from the swivel chair as she walks towards the balcony.

The sunlight capturing the perfect moment for the golden girl.

"I should get a hobby or something," she puts her sunglasses on.

She chuckles in sarcastic and sickening way, as if she's disgusted by what she just said.

"Nah," she sits on a lawn chair, adjusting her sunglasses while smiling.



"What I'm trying to say is're fired,"

Sana tilts her head and laughs in disbelief.

"You can't be serious though," she playfully flips her hair aside as she crosses her arms. "I demand the perfect reason on why I should go!"

Jeongyeon slams her palm onto the table. "Fine! Just one reason?" Jeongyeon raises an eyebrow. "Let me mention all the reasons while I'm at it,"

Sana smiles at the mention of the words "all the reasons". She gulps, but maintains her poise.

"You're late at least 5 times this week!" Jeongyeon throws a clipboard onto the table, the paper on top shows a chart.

"That means I'm early for atleast one da-"

"No, Jesus you didn't come to work that day, even though you did have work," she pointed her finger at Sana. "That's why it's not considered as late but an absent,"

The corner of her lips quirks up as she fixes her necktie.

"Jeongyeon-ah," she clasps her hands together with the elder's hands. "We've been best friends since kindergarten, can't you give me a chance?" Sana pouted while her lip quivered at the right pace.

Jeongyeon sighs and places a hand onto Sana's shoulder. "I can't help you this time, my boss wants you out of the business, I hope you understand..." She pats her on the same spot and left.

Sana face palmed and sighed heavily. "What the fuck am I going to do?"


Walking the lonely streets, Sana Carrie's her box of shame.

How could she be fired from the job she had for 2 years now?

She stopped at her tracks as she kicks a rock away. She stomped her feet and sighed heavily.

A bunch of pebbles were thrown at her feet, from above.

"Ow!" She held onto her shoe, jumping on one leg. Her box fell from her arms, good thing it held its structure.

She bent down and took ahold of one of the pebbles. She stands up looking around with a pissed expression.

There really wasn't anybody outside their houses at this time of day. It was just her, being angry at something she doesn't even know.

"Pst," a voice called.

Her eyes averted to the source of the sound. She looked up and saw her, a woman who was smirking while staring down at her.

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