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I want to put out a warning that some characters in this story are very uneducated on mental illnesses and they might say some things that people may find offensive. It doesn't really yet occur in this chapter but I want you to be aware of that in the future and that it doesn't necessarily reflect reality and what I believe!


The next day, the café is a bit more crowded. Maybe it has something to do with Taehyung's decision to come around noon this time — he wanted to bring Jeongguk the lunch he had prepared for him.

It's mostly students that sit around at the tables, some of them studying and some just chatting with their friends. The proximity to university draws in many young adults who don't want to spend their breaks on campus. Taehyung remembers coming here sometimes with his fellow students, too.
A few couples are here, too. In the corner, one guy sits alone again.

Jeongguk stands behind the counter, making coffee and selling pastries to go. Another waitress serves the people on the floor. At times, Jeongguk glances over at Taehyung, their eyes meet and they share sweet smiles.

Taehyung has brought his notebook again. Just to be sure. Jeongguk's parents were willing to lend the couple some more money to at least cover this month's rent and the electricity bill so technically, Taehyung could spend the day at home, working on his new story, but he feels more like going out and searching for inspiration here.
There is hardly anything more interesting than watching the people around him, catching pieces of their conversations that make him wonder what their daily lives look like, observing their little antics and habits, imagining what their favorite colors might be or what music they listen to. Over the years Taehyung has learned that the greatest source of inspiration is his environment should he open his eyes and be willing to learn.

He taps his pen against the table, lost in thought as he stares at a group of friends sitting two tables away from him, when suddenly, someone appears next to him. He looks up only to find the Jeongguk's coworker there, smiling at him and setting a plate with a piece of strawberry cake in front of him.
"From that sweet gentleman over there," she says with a wink and nods towards the counter. Taehyung glances past her, his cheeks flushing when he, of course, finds Jeongguk there, giving him a smug smile.
"How nice of him," he says, unable to contain the grin then. Once the waitress is gone again he makes sure to catch Jeongguk's eyes again and send him a quick flying kiss.

Only when he takes the first bite of the cake, his favorite, does he realize that he is quite hungry. Maybe cake is not the healthiest lunch but it does lift his mood that wasn't even bad to begin with. With a sudden, newfound enthusiasm, he grabs his pen and sets it down on the paper.

"Excuse me?"

He doesn't get far. Taehyung looks up.
There is a man standing next to him, one he has never seen before. He is wearing a long, dark grey woolen sweater and a simple pair of jeans. His hair is black and tousled, hangs into his eyes, and his face is narrow. He stands there, looking unsure about whatever it is that he is planning on doing.

"Hello," Taehyung says, "Can I help you?"

The man's dark, cat-like eyes dart though the room. He nods.
"You're Kim Taehyung, right?" he asks, "I read your blog online."

Taehyung's eyebrows shoot up. Now that is a first.

He started his blog about half a year ago. Over the time he has gathered a small group of readers, but never before has someone approached him in public.
"Well, yeah," he says, putting his pen down again and turning towards the man, "What a pleasant surprise."

The man glances around the room again, then bows his head and mumbles, "Min Yoongi." He points at the empty chair opposite of Taehyung. "May I...?"
Taehyung nods. "Sure."
Min Yoongi. He has never heard that name before, but he is more than willing to find out more about the guy.

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