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this is the last one ~song of the chapter: mt. by local natives. i'd suggest putting it on repeat.


The orange sun rays falling into the room feel warm on Taehyung's skin. He blinks at the sun; it's already setting despite it only being late afternoon. Summer is coming to an end.

"Hyung," Jeongguk calls from the bedroom, "Are you done?"

"One second, just gotta finish this mail!"

He hears Jeongguk sigh; he smiles to himself and types the last few words before proofreading the text.

The past few weeks were beyond stressful; today is one of the first relaxing days off for both Jeongguk and Taehyung.

"Hyung, we're gonna be super late!"

"Yeah, 'm coming," Taehyung mumbles and finally closes the laptop. When he walks over into the bedroom, he sees Jeongguk stand in front of the mirror, fixing his hair.

"You look good, don't worry about it," Taehyung tells him with a smile and wraps his arms around Jeongguk's waist, his chin resting on his shoulder.

"You good to go?" Jeongguk asks. Taehyung hums.

"Just one second." He closes his eyes. Jeongguk stills and leans against him.

They stand like that for a while, just enjoying each other's presence. It's calming. Taehyung hides his face against Jeongguk's neck and holds him a bit tighter.

His boyfriend chuckles. "Clingy."

"You love it."

Jeongguk turns around in his hold and fixes his collar. He grew his hair out over the past few months. Now, it almost reaches his jaw. Today, he is wearing it up in a ponytail. The black turtleneck he has on makes his shoulders seem so much broader.

He has matured a lot. Even his face looks a little different now.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the way he looks a Taehyung, a soft sparkling in his eyes and a gentle smile on his lips.

Jeongguk kisses him swiftly.

"You good?"

Taehyung nods. "Yeah. You?"


Taehyung smiles and kisses Jeongguk again.

A lot has changed. But Taehyung is sure that he and Jeongguk have never been as close as they are now.

"What's my favorite color?" Jeongguk mumbles against his lips.

"Red. What's my favorite season?"


Taehyung pulls away with a smile. "We're good to go."

They take the metro into the city and get off the train a few blocks away from the restaurant they are headed to, then they walk the rest of the way, hand in hand; the sun warms their necks.

Right before the restaurant, Jeongguk stops Taehyung.

"Hey," he quietly says, looking a bit thoughtful, "Tell me if this gets too much, yeah? We'll leave right away."

Taehyung gives a reassuring nod. "Sure. You too."

Jeongguk kisses him, holding his cheek. "I love you," he whispers, making sure to look right into his eyes. Taehyung smiles.

"Love you more."

They enter the restaurant and tell the waitress that they booked a private room. She leads them to the back.

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