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I'm just tired and I don't know why I always think that proof reading and editing in the middle of the night is a good idea because I'm too unfocused to change anything about the chapter so here ya go. A shitty chapter but also I like it because yoonmin. Hell yeah.

Also when I say Jimin is wearing flared pants I mean this tight ass yoga pants omg I love them and imagine Jimin in those holy


Picking an outfit to wear to Yoongi's dinner turns out harder than it should be. Taehyung stands in front of the mirror in the bedroom, wearing a beige button-down shirt and grey suit pants. Maybe it's too fancy, but he has always loved dressing up. He sighs, takes a step back, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"You good to go?" Jeongguk appears in the doorway. He has made a fairly easy decision concerning his clothes; dark flannel, jeans. His hair is tousled like usual. It's unfair. He always looks so effortlessly gorgeous.

Taehyung shrugs. "I don't know, this might be too much..."

"It's not," Jeongguk says right away, fond smile on his lips, "You wear stuff like that all the time. Besides, it's just Yoongi."

"I know." Taehyung groans. "I don't know why I'm overthinking this."

Jeongguk watches him for a few moments, then he walks over to him and pulls him close, planting a soft kiss on his forehead.
"It'll be okay," he says, "You look good, they won't judge you. Now let's go, okay?"

Taehyung nods and sighs defeatedly. "Alright."
He makes sure to have packed his notebook and a pen, then they leave the apartment. Jeongguk drives them; it takes them about half an hour, not too long. The sun is out again today, but the sky is still pretty cloudy. And since it's already six in the evening, the sky has turned a nice shade of orange.
"I can't wait for summer to come," Taehyung mumbles as he looks out the window.

"So you can complain about the heat all the time?" Jeongguk asks and smirks when Taehyung pouts.

"Am not."


The neighborhood Yoongi lives in is similar to theirs. Huge white apartment complexes, cheaper than some of the other parts of the city.
"It's quite nice," Jeongguk says as they get out of the car. Taehyung hums in agreement. Yoongi lives on the ninth floor.

"I hope this won't be awkward," Taehyung says as they take the elevator up. Jeongguk chuckles, gives his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I bet it will be. And then we get home and have something to laugh about."

Taehyung grins and rolls his eyes. "Sure."

It's Jimin who is waiting for them by the door. He is wearing black flared pants that hug his thighs and waist nicely and a white turtleneck. His lips are glistening in the light — perhaps he is wearing lipgloss.
"Hi!" he greets the couple and bows his head. He turns to Jeongguk. "I'm Park Jimin." Another bow.

"Yeah, Taehyung told me," Jeongguk says and then introduces himself.

Jimin lets them into the apartment, then. It's a lot smaller than Taehyung expected it to be — smaller than his and Jeongguk's, for sure.
"So, this is Yoongi's apartment?" Taehyung asks as he looks around. It's one cramped room; a couch and a TV in one corner, a table with chairs in the middle and the kitchen area to the right. One door right next to Taehyung leads to the bathroom and another door is closed — probably the bedroom. Jimin nods.

"Yeah, technically, although I probably spend, like, most of my time here." He giggles, leads them over to the table. "Can I get you anything to drink? Yoongi's just getting ready."

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