The Bedroom

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(Y/n) POV

Garrett just told me that he has feeling for me!!!
Oh my god!!!! I'm soooo happy

Garrett: Yeah. Just being alone with you now makes me feel soooo happy
~Garrett turns towards me, lifts up my chin with his index finger and kisses me

Woah. He is such an amazing kisser

Garrett: (y/n), would you like to go into the bedroom and see where this could go?
He asks in a deep and sexy voice
'I would love to'
He holds my hand and guides me through into one of the bedrooms.

The bed is well done up and the room is dimly lit by the setting sun

Garrett: You're so beautiful (y/n)
'Shut up gareber'
Garrett: No really. You are gorgeous

He holds my face with his huge but delicate hands and pulls me in for another romantic embrace.

I look him in the eyes
'I'm ready'
Garrett: Are you sure?
'Yes. I want you to make me feel things I have never felt before'

He lifts me up and props me up against the wall and kisses me.
Our tongues explore each others mouths like two exited teens.

I start to take off my crop top
Garrett helps me
He lifts my top from over my head and tosses it to the other side of the room

Garrett sits me on the bed and begins to take off his cute button up lobster shirt and his trousers
As he pulls down his trousers, I can see his huge bulge in his boxers
I begin to take off my jeans and throw them as side.

Once we are both in nothing but our underwear, garrett towers over my body and begins to kiss me while we fall further back onto the bed

His left hand slowly makes its way down my body.
Past my boobs
Down my waist
Past my hips
And around to my ass which he squeezes and caresses
I let out a small moan

Garrett: You like that?
He asked with a cheeky grin on his adorable face
I nod my head yes

He picks me up off the bed and pulls me close to his body while still passionately kissing me

Garrett Watts x Reader (fem)Where stories live. Discover now