Main Event

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We are both stood together making out with barley miller metres between us

Garret: Is it okay if i-
He smiles like a little boy on Christmas

Garrett begins to pull himself out of his underwear and then slowly removes my thong

I was amazed by the size of him
Like, it's h u g e

Garrett: Do you like what you see?
I nod my head yes
Garrett: You sure are sexy (y/n)
'Thank you'

He pecks me on the forehead before quickly bending me over the bed

I let out a small moan

He starts to play with my clit
Making me feel all kinds of pleasure
He slips it in
We both moan while taking in every second of what was going on

Garrett slowly picks up pace and I can hear his breathing getting heavier with every thrust

I moan out his name several times and he digs his fingers into your hips while getting closer to climax

I look over my shoulder to see him and his head is tilted back while he quietly groaning under his breath

'I'm gonna cum'
Garrett: No. Not yet

He pulls out, turns me around and lays me on my back in the middle of the bed where he looks me up and down while biting his lower lip

Garrett spreads my legs and leaves a trail of kisses going from my ankles going up to my inner thigh

OMG! that feels so good

He starts to kiss and lick my clit while holding down my hips, restricting me from being able to grind against his face

'Ughhh. That's so good baby. Just like that'
I run my fingers through his hair and hold it down to ensure the pleasure lasts for as long as possible

He slowly puts in one of his fingers
Making it feel much better
Then he adds another
Making it feel unbearably good

My legs start shaking and I loose control of my body as I hit climax

I scream. Felling better than I ever have before

I hit the peak of my climax and Garrett is working his hardest to make sure it feels amazing

I squirt a little on the bed and me and Garrett giggle

'Cmon now, your turn'

I gesture to Garrett to stand near the edge of the bed

I stand in front of him and make my way down to his dick which had gotten much bigger since the beginning of this experience


Garrett Watts x Reader (fem)Where stories live. Discover now