Finishing off

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I kneel down and start to kiss Garretts huge cock, base to tip

Then I start to lick and suck the tip
As I look up at Garrett, I see that his eyes had began rolling back
That must mean that I'm doing good so far

I lick his penis from base to tip then begin to suck the whole thing. Trying to ignore my gag reflex.
I look up again to see his head fully leaning back and his face scrunched up
I pick up the pace and he puts his hand on the back of my head, speeding up the pace.

He starts to moan quite loud
And then
Garret: Wow. That was-
'I know'
Garrett: I have never experienced something so hot and passionate and pleasurable as this
'What can I say. Its what I'm best at'
We both fall back onto the bed and laugh

Garrett turns his head towards me, he looks exhausted and I don't blame him
Garrett: (y/n)...
Garrett: I love you
'I love you too'

I lay his head on my chest and let him get some rest

That was the best night of my life

Make sure to vote and check out my other Garrett watts stories
PS: your gorgeous xx

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