Chapter Two

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The month was August in the year of 3047 of the Gregorian calendar, and while many were unaware that there was anything different about their planet, to the beings that lived out their days in Dana's society, they were well-aware that there was something different to be known. Outside of the borders of the base, the tensions between countries were beginning to settle. After all, it had been several years since world war three had ended, and people were beginning to trust each other again. Ultimately, nuclear weapons were shut down and banned years prior to the outbreak of the war, and due to this, the harm and casualties had been reduced. However, they still happened. This was why, sometimes at night, Colt would face another restless night as he had nightmares about such an event. Fortunately, he had Aurora with him to calm him down when these sleep terrors occurred. 

Aurora hadn't gone through anything like a war least, the last war that had occurred on Galaver had happened in a separate province, and so she hadn't directly seen the impact. However, she knew it was different for Colt. He had lost his parents in the war, and it had been difficult for him ever since. Of course, Aurora knew that pain all too well. 

"Are you okay, Colt?" Aurora asked him. 

"I think I just need to take a walk." Colt admitted. 

Aurora understood that, in that she understood the importance of sometimes just needing to take a walk to clear your mind, and due to this, she let Colt go. 

He wandered down the hall until he came to find the only soul still awake in the building. 


"Colt...I trust you're alright?" Dana asked him. 

"Yes ma'am. I actually was just taking a walk to clear my head." Colt said simply. 

While some conversation topics may have been off limits with Dana, there were also those that she all-too familiar with. After all, she was only young herself. She had lost a sibling that had betrayed her, and her parents after being forced to flee a burning planet. 

She could read Colt's mind, which was why she said her next words. 

"It's okay to think about them. I know it hurts, but it's important to remember that they were real. I mean, sometimes my own parents feel just like a fever dream to me, but they did exist, Colt, and they would be proud of you now. After all, you did assist your friends in shutting down a corrupt research project." Dana pointed out, with a look of admiration, then. 

"I guess it's just been so long that I have to wonder...will the nightmares ever stop?" He asked her. 

"I can't answer that for you, but I can tell you that it will get easier, as any grief does." Dana stated. 

One thing that was clear about Dana was her ability to use wise word choices, and that accompanied her skill of understanding the moods of others.

Colt gave her a smile of gratitude. 

"Try and get some rest, Colt." Dana told him. 

With an appreciative nod, Colt bid Dana goodnight and headed down the hall back to his and Aurora's room. The two of them accompanied each other for the moment because it helped them get through the nightmares, when they had them. Aurora's were thankfully much rarer than Colt's own, he thought. 

While Colt had headed back down the hall to go to sleep; Peia wandered into Dana's office again. She couldn't sleep. 

"Hello Dana," she said, with a kind smile. 

"You should be asleep." Dana told her. 

"I wanted to come and regain the peace  between us." Peia stated. "I know that what we discussed-" 

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