Chapter Eleven

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Later that afternoon, Colt had met with Dana in her office again. Only briefly, though, as she just wanted to give him a run down on some building work that she wanted to have done on the base, which he, Leo and Nova would be working together on. After their brief meeting, he wandered out of her office to find Nova and Aurora talking. 

Aurora turned to him for a moment then. 

"What's going on with you? How's you and Peia-" 

Nova just playfully hit her friend's arm for being intrusive. 

"We're fine," Colt replied, with a gentle shrug. 

Aurora just murmured her understanding, as Peia soon headed towards them. She simply stated that she wanted to speak with Aurora, so the two girls headed down the hall and into her room. 

"I can't promise anything, but I may have found something of interest," Peia stated, as she headed to a box on the chest of drawers beside her bed, and plucked a silver device out of reach. "I thougbt it might be a Galaverian item," she said, "Would you be able to let me know if it is?" she asked hopefully. 

Aurora regarded it for a moment, but could tell it was nothing out of the ordinary from a quick scan of it. 

"I can't help you, Peia," she stated. Aurora couldn't help but feel as though this whole Galaverian item thing had just been made up in an attempt to get her to speak with her. 

"I didn't want to let you know this but I haven't carried out much research recently because I've been worrying we're at odds...I didn't know if you and Colt were official and I overstepped my ground," Peia admitted. 

That took Aurora slightly by surprise, but it also brought her to a conclusion. She and Colt weren't official, which essentially meant that Peia hadn't done anything that wrong. Nevertheless, Aurora couldn't help but face the fact that she did have very real feelings for Colt, and seeing Peia and him flirting had caused her some serious jealousy, not that she would admit to it. 

"Well, I didn't really appreciate it happening, but I don't own Colt. He can do what he wants," Aurora remarked. 

Peia smiled. 

"Great! He's really something, huh?" she asked Aurora then. 

Aurora forced herself to smile. 

"Yes, he is," she said. She found an excuse to dismiss herself from Peia's room then as she headed back out into the hall, where surely enough, she bumped directly into Colt. 

"Hey," he said to her. 

Despite all that had passed between the two of them, Aurora was still his friend. He knew that he couldn't continue to avoid this conversation. 

"I need to talk to you," Aurora replied then, before he could. 

"Right, right," Colt stated. 

"I think that whatever this is, whatever we had going on between us...we need to just, put it aside at the moment. It's very clear that Peia has feelings for you, but on the other hand, you want to take this job in the city and I can't hold you back from that, Colt," Aurora stated. 

Colt's eyes widened in slight surprise, then. He hadn't expected her to say those words, but nonetheless, he knew he had to accept them. It wasn't the right time. 

"Okay," Colt said. 

"Yeah?" Aurora asked, exhaling slightly in relief then. Although it had been difficult to do, it was necessary. Now she could maybe move on. Except, of course when Aurora met Colt's chocolate eyes, she knew that was going to be an incredibly difficult task. 

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