Masterpiece (requested) <JiMina>

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A/n: random update and a token of affectionate from me to my readers (reading your comments make me happy) ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Mina is good at dancing ballet while Jimin is good at dancing modern contemporary. Both are labelled as the black swans of their respective dance academy.

Jimin and Mina knew each other and acknowledge each other's talent. The very first time they met was during their dance academies compete who's the best dancer. Best dancer among man and woman.

"Here we are again, Mina-shi. To be each other's partner for the partner competition. Please take good care of me, Mina-shi"

"Please take good care of me too, Jimin-shi"

Both let out smiles before starting their routine as partners.

That day

It was early in the morning, students were already practicing for their competition as they were all burning with competitive and passion to get chosen and become the representative of the dance student from their academies.

Myoui came a bit late as her custom was left in her house when she's almost arrived at the academy.

There a few people attending her as she gets lost in this huge building and one of them was Park Jimin - a sweet boy with a cute smile that never left from his lips as he guided Myoui to the hall where hundreds of people are already prepared and already in their customs.

"What year are you anyway?", Jimin politely asked.

"Senior year. This is my last year", Myoui softly said her answer to Jimin.

"Oh! Me too! Anyways, good luck with the competition", he warmly said, making a 'fighting' gesture to her.

"Hwaiting", she smiled.

Myoui Mina never knew a wonderful person is still exist in this unjust world. She thankful for his guidance and hoping he'll do his best too if he's joining the dance competition and obviously he's in.

After a while, it's time to start the biggest event and Mina was already wearing her customes and stretching her body to let go of her tension from ruining her dance later.

One by one, the contestants' number being called to the main stage where crowds and contestants were going to watch them dance.

Since it was boys'  turn, the girls were a bit chill and watch their performance. Mina just observed their performance and clapped her hands whenever they're making their finishing moves.

Mina's jaws dropped when a familiar boy came up to the stage with those all white outfit.

His hair was already styled and his aura was changed into different else... He looks so charismatic.

He clearly could control all attentions to him as the noisiness in the crowds slowly fading away as he stood in the center of the stage.

He bowed and smiled as he cutely introduced himself to the judges and crowds.

"Annyeonghaseyo!!! Park Jimin imnida! Jal butakdeuribnida", he beamed, earning some points already... Judging from a few smiles from the judges. That's including Mina.

'He's so cute'

But that smile was no longer on him when the judges told him he could start if he's ready. Jimin gave out a signal and in a split second, there's the serious Park Jimin appeared on the stage.

She felt goosebumps as the music starts with his fingers snapped and that's how Park Jimin captured everyone's attention I once again with his small details of his dance. Every moves he made, every gestures he did... It sent goosebumps... Especially Mina.

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